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  "IVAN"  I looked up, keeping the cup of hot chocolate on the table

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  I looked up, keeping the cup of hot chocolate on the table. I frowned as confusion clouded my brain once again.

His sea green eyes smiled. Was that even possible, he was smiling through his eyes. It was genuine.

"My name. It's Ivan Vincent Salvatore" He said and I mouthed him ohh and picked up my cup of hot chocolate again but stopped when I saw his stare on me.

"You didn't tell me your name" He looked at me with questioning eyes. Should I tell him my name. What if he turned out to be someone who knew about Aerius. What if he sent me back to him. He would definitely cut my legs this time and kill Aezy. No, I can't let him kill Aezy.

"You, ok?" I looked at him with the dilemma in my head. Should I tell him or not.

"What's the catch?" I asked him instead of the answer he was expecting from me.

He laughed and it seemed like he was amused.

"I helped you, brought you here, I'm taking care of you and you are interrogating me" He said. I felt a little bad for what I said but isn't it true that nothing is free in today's world.

"Thankyou for last night but I don't exactly remember anything" I said trying my best to keep a blank face. No matter what happens but I'm not telling him a word about me. No matter how much of a gentlemen he seems but I'm sure that this is one of the version he is showing to me. He could be worse than Aerius for all I know.

"What do you mean?" He asked, all the amusement disappearing from his eyes.

"I don't remember anything about me. My name, my identity, my happy life, everything" My eyes welled up with tears. I didn't lie. Ever since Aerius got into some sort of powerful position, he lost his mind. He made me forget what my name sounded like, my identity was non-existent, my life was nowhere to be found again. Everything disappeared like ashes in air.

"So you don't know anything about yourself" He asked interrupting my thoughts.

 "I wish there was anything to remember at all" I answered him, looking straight into his eyes. I was scared, to be honest terrified to the bottom of my heart but since I knew what I said wasn't technically a lie, it was a bitter truth of my life.

"Thankyou for helping me, I would wish to leave now" I told him. He looked at me for a second before clearing his throat. I wanted to desperately leave from here. His previous words "where you belong" were still echoing in my head and they were suffocating me badly.

"I don't know if I could let you go, you don't seem to be in a good condition to roam around in those possibly dark streets again where danger follows every second" His words were filled with the tone that I hated. It was commanding like aerius.

"I'm very well capable of taking care of myself" I argued, my voice wasn't as firm as I wanted it to come out but I had to take my stand. He should know that he can't order me around. He is noone to do so.

"You" He stepped towards me dangerously making me almost fall from the chair as I flinched away from the sudden dangerous aura that he vibed towards me.

 "don't look like you are actually capable of taking care of yourself" He finished his sentence. His voice sent chill down my spine. It was the kind of voice that made me want to run for hills.

"When I feel that you are capable enough to take care of yourself, I would let you go myself" He added, leaving my hand that he was holding to prevent me from falling.

"Clara" He called out and the maid from the morning ran towards us immediately and stood a foot away with her head hung low.

"Take her back to her room and tend to her needs, I'll be in my office" He said and was walking away when I couldn't help but ask him.

"Why are you helping me and taking care of me" He stopped in his tracks. The maid clutched my hand and looked at me like I had dug my own grave.

"You know, too much curiosity is sometimes very toxic" He said, a mysteriousness had surrounded him before it vanished again.

"It's your luck that you bumped into the person whose humanity is still not dead" He walked away saying that leaving me in a pit of several other questions.

Humanity. Does it still exists, anymore.

"Come, my lady" The woman named Clara took me back to the room I woke up this afternoon.

 "Please have some rest my lady, you can press that button in case you need anything" She showed me that button that was behind the lamp beside my bed.

"Clara" I called her when she was about to leave.

"yes, my lady" She came back.

"I-I, why do you keep calling me 'my lady' " I asked.

She looked hesitant. It was as if she was struggling with her words

"Master asked us to call you that. He did that so noone would dare to hurt you in anyway" She answered after a brief moment.

"Ok, but you don't need to call me that again. You can call me" I stopped, oh god I was just about to tell her my name. How stupid I could be.

"I-I" I pretended to recall my name.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember my name" I sighed sadly. She looked convinced. I am seriously walking on eggshells. I need to get well soon and then leave from here.

"It's ok, my lady. I'm sure you will be able to remember everything from your past" She said passing me a sad smile. I nodded. Seconds later she left and I don't know when did I dozed off on the soft mattress having that one question in my head.

 "Who are you, Mr. Ivan Vincent Salvadore?"


"You got to know anything about her" Ivan asked clara who nodded her head in no.  

"She doesn't know her own name, master" She informed Ivan who was lost somewhere.

"My lady looks . I-I think" Clara stopped when he glared at her.  

"You might have raised me clara but I would suggest you better know your place " Clara nodded again and left seeking his permission.

  Opening the drawer of his table, he looked at the photo frame.
  "She reminds me of you" He said staring at the picture before keeping back to it's place.

  Mysterious.. isn't it??????? ??
  Well It's going to be more that what you guyz can imagine. ??


  Let me know what you think about Ivan's character? ??
  Hope you are liking it so far. ?
  Thankyou for reading❤❤


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