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   She was an angel

  yet only chaos came knocking at her door  ❤❤❤

Screams. Screams that would chill you to your core and make you doubt the existence of god echoed deep into the woods. The animals that were having there peaceful sleep flew away from the very place they found their peace at.

It felt like hell had made it's existence on the earth.

The barren building looked more haunting than all of the horror movies combined and the scene was enough to send anyone to the gates of afterlife.

"n-no, n-no p-please, I-I'll d-do w-wh-whatever you w-will s-say, p-please l-leave m-me" The man, in his late 30s begged, his nails were plugged out, hands were cut off and legs were fed to the vicious dogs while he was still conscious, the rest of his men were dead, he was the sole survivor but for how long, not even his fate was known by gods themselves.

"You had the chance but you lost it" the man who was sitting on the chair in the shadows said with a devilish tone, it sounded young, but the brutality said another thing.

"c'mon boys, i'm waiting for the climax now" The man's sadistic tone had the victim shivered in terror yet again, this was the first time he had heard the voice, the fact that it was a young man made him pee in trauma.

"w-who a-are y-you" the man asked, he knew his death was very near to him but he wanted to know who was this young man, who had wiped out the existence of his bloodline. 

"Vicious" a word reached his ears and then he was poured alive in the tank of acid. A cruel laughter echoed in the building, menace and viciousness filled the air.  

"Tell Alfonzo, to take over the reign of Greek mafia" The young man declared and his men nodded in agreement. 

"Clean up, I am already exhausted, tell Donovan to do the arrangements, huh, damn i miss my bed" the man, Vicious, said throwing his gun to the nearest man and stretching himself out. He was worst than psychos because he hid the depth of his psychotic nature deep inside his soul, under the closed walls, there was no window to his soul, even his eyes couldn't tell anyone what hid inside his soul.

They said that your eyes are the window to your soul, you can read the soul by just looking into someone's eyes but Vicious was not someone who you can read, he was what he chose to show you, he was not dangerous, he was lethal.

"What's next, boss" one of the man asked him, forwarding the map of Europe in front of him.
 Vicious made a thinking face and then smirked.

"I guess i am going for a long vacation now but after that" A crooked smile formed on his face as he roamed his finger lazily on the map. 

"I don't think freedom would suit France mafia anymore" He chuckled and stabbed the knife on where france was located on the map. 

"Soon" He smirked before leaving the abandoned building.  



"You little piece of shit, how dare you ruin my cosmetics" cries and yelling echoed in the huge mansion.

"I-i am swoyy m-mama" the girl cried, the staff looked at the scene, some unbothered while some genuinely sad for the little precious girl who was crying rivers in front of the woman who was her mother.

"I-I was ju-just tr-trying to be beautiful l-like you" her words made the spectators laugh in their head, beautiful and lara, those two never got along.

Lara let out a mocking laugh before grabbing the little haven's shoulder and yanking her towards her, her manicured nails piercing her soft skin.  

Haven wailed, petrified to the core.

"Listen here, you ugly piece of thrash, you are nothing in comparison to me, you" she yanked her closer to her and tightened her grip on her arms. Haven sobbed. "you are ugly, just like your mother and one day you will end up like her, so many monsters will chase you, just like her and I wish, the worst of them catches you" Lara whispered in her ears.

Haven bawled not being able to understand her words, the wickedness in her eyes traumatized her. Her heart throbbed silently begging for either her father or tristan to come and protect her in their embrace but both of them were out. . She doesn't expect anything from Arius, he was someone who didn't even bother to spare a glance at her let alone care for her and protect her from their mother .

Ever since she met her eldest brother, she did her best to be liked by him but he was least bothered by her presence. She has accepted it already that just like her mother, her eldest brother doesn't like her, for reason she doesn't know.  

"I-I a-am swoyy m-mama" Irritation crawled up Lara's face.  

"shut up you worthless thrash" Her hand raised, Haven closed her eyes trying to herself to endure the upcoming pain.  

one second ..two seconds ..three seconds passed but she felt nothing.

Her doe like eyes opened only to find the hand that was raised to hurt her was not held by another hand.  

 She looked up only to see, Arius tightly holding her mother's hand.  

"leave. her" He gritted his teeth to show the seriousness in his words. 

"sweetheart" Lara made a soft expression only to get a glare in return.  

"Didn't you hear me, i said LEAVE.HER.FUCKING.HAND.RIGHT.NOW" Arius roared, everyone flinched hearing his thunderous growl. 

Lara looked at her son, hurt and fear flashed through her eyes, she left haven, her eyes still looking her son's, Arius left her hand. Her eyes welled up with tears, she knew that he is very emotionless but he had never raised his voice at her before but just because of this little girl, he had shouted at her infront of all the staff. 

She turned around, wiped away the tear that just rolled down her face and walked away. 

"WHAT, is there any fucking show going  right now, do I look like a clown who you are waiting to start some shit" He gritted throwing the same glare at everyone. 

Once everyone left, it was just him and her. He kneeled down and looked into her eyes. Her ocean blue eyes met his. Almost a laugh came out of his throat seeing her face, the make up she tried to apply on her face made her look like a clown, but an adorable little clown.

"Why do you keep crossing my way, little snow" He asked, wiping away her tears gently.


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