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In a dimly lit underground chamber,a dangerous and cunning young man, stood tall and imposing, his dark eyes piercing through the shadows.
He was staring at the dark sky, which he felt was a reflection of his own self. Darkness and not an ounce of light. Everyone was afraid to roam around in the darkness scared what lurked in that darkness. Similarly, people were scared to cross him scared they would get lost in his darkness forever.
His eyes then went to that one single star. It was too small yet it somehow managed to lighten up that whole sky.
He sighed looking at it. The only star that he wished to lighten up his sky was no more.
A star that disappeared even before he could see it properly. For a moment he envied that dark sky. He had his starlight while he could never have it.
His reverie broke when he heard a knock on his door. He turned back on his heels and walked towards his chair. Sitting like the king he was, he allowed the person on the other side of the door to get inside.
Two young man entered, both of them entered . Their faces void of any expression.
They were Michael and Gabriel, who stood before him, their heads lowered, knowing they had crossed a line they shouldn't have.
"Michael," Lucifer's voice was cold and calculated, "you were entrusted with the plan's details. And yet, you let it slip like sand through your fingers. Tell me, what do you think went wrong"
Michael's inner soul trembled yet he managed avoid himself from stammering.
"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to. They caught me off guard, and I had no option but to kill him." Michael looked at Gabriel. He was going to beat the shit out of him once he gets out of lucifer's den.
Lucifer's expression hardened further. "Your failure in such an important mission has become a stain that can't be easily washed away, brother. But perhaps you can redeem yourself by retrieving all the information that we could have extracted from that pawn."
Fear gripped Michael's heart, but he nodded, determined to make amends for his brother's grave mistake.
As Lucifer turned his attention to Gabriel, the atmosphere grew even more tense. "And you, Gabriel, my dear brother," he said, his voice dripping with venom, "I hear you thought it wise to play the role of a spy within their ranks?"
Gabriel's jaw clenched, and he lifted his gaze, meeting Lucifer's intense stare. "I believed it was the best way to gather information and protect our interests," he replied defiantly.
Michael gave a side eye to Gabriel to shut his mouth but Gabriel was a rebel.
Michael mentally rolled his eyes at his younger brother's stupidity.
A sinister smile played on Lucifer's lips. "Bold, but foolish," he remarked. "Do you not realize the risks involved? Should they uncover your true allegiance, our entire operation would be jeopardized."
"I understand the risks," Gabriel replied, his voice unwavering. "But I am prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure our family's survival."
Lucifer's expression softened slightly, acknowledging Gabriel's loyalty, but he couldn't afford to let sentimentality cloud his judgment. "Your dedication is commendable," he said, "but your approach was reckless. From now on, your actions will be closely monitored, and any hint of rebellion will be met with severe consequences."
Both Michael and Gabriel nodded solemnly, aware of the weight of their actions and the price they would have to pay.
"In the world we live in," Lucifer continued, his voice echoing through the chamber, "loyalty and discretion are paramount. We must be a united front against our enemies. Now, go forth and rectify your mistakes. Prove to me that you are still worthy of being part of this family."
With that, the brothers left the chamber, determined to prove their loyalty to Lucifer and restore the trust they had lost. Little did they know that this incident would mark a turning point in their lives, shaping their destinies in ways they couldn't have foreseen. The dangerous path they had chosen was now fraught with even greater challenges, and only time would tell if they could endure the trials that lay ahead.
"Rafe, keep a close eye on both of them. They are still very reckless" Lucifer said. Rafael nodded.
"Yet you sent them on that stupid mission" Rafael said amused.
"Well it was a part of their training and they miserably failed. I want to make sure that they understand the fact that they aren't the privileged ones who would get their way up the position just because they are Romanos. They will have to prove themselves." Lucifer said as he lighted up his cigarette.
Rafael nodded in agreement.
"By the way, any update from Izrael" lucifer asked.
"Yes, he said he will be back tonight. He got some information which can turn out to be really accurate" lucifer nodded his head and waled back towards the window, getting back to stare at the sky.


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