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"Leave me, noooo, Ivannnnn" I screamed as i struggled against Aerius grip.

"Let me go.. leave me, Ivannn" I kept screaming his name.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" I felt myself being yanked furiously followed by a burning sensation on my cheek.

I sobbed hard, crying in desperation. It felt like a nightmare. Just yesterday I had shared all the pain, i had opened up my heart to him. How could he do this to me.

How could he leave me just like that. He left me in the hands of the same monster, he had promised to save me from. Why?

"You had your fun, right?" He stood me up on my feet forcefully by gripping my hair. My scalp burned, on instinct, my hands reached to grip his hand that was clutch my hair in his tight painful fist.

"Leave me" I didn't what else to do at the moment. It was all too much for me. I didn't know what kind of pain i felt more, emotional or physical.

"Tsk. Tsk. Now when it's finally my turn to have fun, you want me to leave you. That's so unfair little snow" I flinched as he raised his hand, my eyes closed expecting another slap but instead he just caressed it.

"Be a good girl to your daddy now and apologize baby" I looked at him, smirking at me, mocking my misery yet again.

I glared at him and spat on his face.

"I would never apologize to a Satan like you, you devil. Your existence is a burden on this earth." I screamed at him, he kept looking at me with no expressions at all.

There was a profound silence, the kind that one might experience in the middle of the night while standing in a cemetery, surrounded by departed souls. For me, I was haunted by the silence of a person whose humanity had withered away.

The silence that can be sliced by a knife, a silence so stifling that it could suffocate you and propel you to the brink of despair.

And then, there it was – his sinister laughter once more.

"WHAT A FUCKING BITCH" Before I could think of anything, he had dragged me by my hair and slammed my head on a hard surface.

Pain travelled through my body, my head ached and the liquid that I felt flowing through my head gave rise to a panic attack in me.







He slammed me again and again, his words faded away and I lost control over my body, slipping into a never ending darkness.

Would I die if i pray for it...?



In a room enveloped by darkness, mirroring the black expanse of the night sky, the wind whispered cool secrets through the open window. Rain fell like a deluge, as if the heavens themselves wept for Haven's plight. Amidst this stormy chaos, the only source of light came from the sporadic lightning strikes that tore through the obsidian canvas. There, in that dimly illuminated room, lay Haven, under the blanket, naked, her tears blending with the rain, as she cried over her tragic fate.

"Fuckkkk" The bed moved furiously due the hard thrusts of Aerius. She wanted to scream at him in pain but his forced kisses stopped her every time.

"Tell me, you slut, how many times did you fuck him" he asked clenching her jaw in a painful grip. This night was the worst night for Haven. Aerius had beaten her up and raped her many times before but this was the worst. He had beaten her blue and black. There was no part of her that seemed to left.

Her bruises covered her skin, almost everywhere.

"TELL ME" He screamed, Haven let out a painful scream when he gave a really rough and hard painful thrust.

"w-we di-didn't " her words were a mere whisper it made Aerius smirk. He loved the fear in her eyes for him, it turns him on every time.

"Please A-ari" Aerius glared, thrusting deep.

"D-daddy please. Stop, i am sorry. Please i can't take this anymore. Please" The pain was too much, she wished, she could just pass out but nothing was in her favor.

"Then how come he was ready to help you, my little snow, you must have done something for him" He looked at her with sheer rage.

"Something like this may be" before Haven could even think, he pulled out of her roughly and gripped her hair. Closing her nose, he shoved his dick in her mouth.

"You must have sucked him off good, right" he moaned and groaned in between, his hard thrust and her wet little mouth giving him a taste of heaven itself.

"FUCK.... YESSS.... SUCK THIS DICK, YOU WHORE.... SUCK ME LIKE YOU MUST HAVE SUCKED HIM..... ahhhh fuckkk" With a loud groan he gave one last thrust and push her mouth more towards his dick, choking her and gripping her hair in a painful grip.

"Arghhh.... What a good little slut" he said as he finally reached his high and climaxed in her mouth.

"Nuh nuh" he clamped her mouth with his palm as he looked at her ready to spit out.

"Swallow it all, you dirty little vixen. If you don't then I will fuck you again and this time i will cum deep inside you tight little pussy. You would become a good mother of our kids " Haven's eyes widened in horror listening to his vile plan.

So, despite the disgust, she gulped it all down.

"Good girl, baby" he patted her head and yanked her away, casually walking towards his bathroom leaving her all bruised and battered in his bed. 


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