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I found myself in a dark room, a dark silence was there and I didn't know where I was until I heard the voice, the same voice that was enough to make me shoot myself.

"Why did you leave snow" my eyes were blurred with the amount of tears I was shedding for the upcoming misery that was stored in my fate.

I turned around and saw him, Aerius, I looked at him with utter fear, I couldn't even move, it felt like even my body listened to the unheard command that his eyes held.

"I won't repeat again, ANSWER MY FUCKING QUESTION" I flinched away and a sob left my throat.

"I don't want to live with you, I don't want to live in this golden cage, I don't want this luxury, I wanna go back to my previous life, I want to go to school, i want to be with my best friend, I want to live a peaceful life with my brother, Aezy. I want to go far away from you. I hate you. You are a monster, you never let me go out of this room for 8 months, I am feeling suffocated here, I hate it here, that's why I decided to leave and I will leave, I would never live with a monster like you" I turned around and was shocked to see my own self, It was me, the little 11 year old me who was looking at the devil with no fear at all.

I looked towards Aerius and he looked no less than a devil. I realized that it was the first time when Aerius had hit me.

I looked at the little haven and tried to run towards her to protect her from her worst nightmare but I couldn't even move an inch.

"What did you say, what the fuck did you call me" He grabbed her shoulder, I could hear her winch at the pain and I prayed for her to just apologize to him, the punishment would be less painful but the young me wasn't aware about the misery she was going to face and so she replied fearlessly looking right into his eyes.

"You are a monster and I hate yo-" before she could speak a hard slap threw her hard across the floor, I cried for my young self as she cried painfully.

"you wanna run away huh, how will you run when you won't have these legs to run" I closed my eyes and ears once he started to hit her legs mercilessly. I kept pleading in my head.

don't hurt her

please she is a kid

don't beat her


leave her please

I beg you, she is a kid please


don't hurt her

don't hurt her

don't hurt her


"Eva, open you eyes please"


My eyes opened and I for a minute I couldn't even breathe properly. It was the first time when he had beaten me up and that too so brutally. He didn't stop, he never stopped.

"It's ok, it's ok, calm down sweetheart, here drink some water" The voice felt distant, but i gulped the whole glass of water in a gulp.

"shhh, everything is ok, don't worry, calm down please" I felt my head being placed on someone's chest, my hair were gently caressed. I felt protected, I felt home, my eyes started to feel heavy again and the darkness consumed me again.

"it's been more than 24 hours and she hasn't yet opened her eyes. What in the fucking world are you doing"

My head felt heavy and I couldn't even open my eyes.

"treat her or you won't have these hands to treat anyone anymore"

"mhmm" I whimpered at the loud voice, it was adding to my headache.

"ma-master, my l-lady" A familiar soft voice echoed in my head and I opened my eyes opened slowly to avoid the ache that even my eyes were going through.

"Eva, you ok?" I opened my eyes and just looking at the face had me traumatized. Ivan was cupping my face, he was looking at me with concern. I know this is fake, he is fake, he is a liar and just a monster like Aerius.

"It's alright, please calm down" I gathered all the energy that I had in me and pushed him. But as soon as I tried to get off the bed I was pushed back to the bed. The force got me numbed for a second until I heard his voice again.

"Get out" I flinched when I heard him shout and then the door closed.

"L-let me g-go, y-you murderer" I said and tried to get out of his grip.

"You are going nowhere eva, this is your home now" He said, his grip tightening on my shoulder. Tears rolled down my eyes.

"Please" I did what I could do, what I have been doing for so many years now. Before it was Aerius and now it's him, Ivan.

"I will send some maids to help you clean up, clara will bring you breakfast, like a good girl you will eat it alright" He ordered and I was so scared that the only thing that I could do was nod.

"good girl" with that he kissed my forehead and left. As soon as he left, I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I cried and begged to open the door, but nobody came to help me.

I tried to look for some other escape but there was none, I fell on the bed with disappointment, desperation and helplessness. What have I gotten myself into. I escaped one cage only to fall into another.

What am I going to do.....


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