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'It's easy, you can do this ' Haven muttered continuously under her breath. She was hiding inside the truck that was full of gifts. She had covered herself with a long huge sweater and a muffler. Her hands were cold as she kept shivering.

It's been 15 minutes since she sat inside the truck. She was carrying a small bag which was full of cash, she could easily sneak out of the state. She was waiting for another five minutes to pass.

She looked at the time eagerly, her heart throbbing painfully in her chest, the fear of Aerius catching her again was making her each and every passing second of her life more dreadful. She was also worried about Aezvan, if Aerius got to know that it was aezvan who had helped her then he would definitely kill him this time.

She slowly get up on her feet and jumped out of the truck. falling on her knees, she scraped it but hurriedly hid herself in the jungle.

'cross the forest and you will be able to get into the main city' She remembered Aezvan's words and started to walk through the small forest.
  "I can do it"
  "I can do it"
  "I can do it"

She kept saying the same words to stop herself from crying out in fear. It was dark and she was scared of the little animals that might show up.

A torch in one hand and a sharp knife in another was the only thing she had in her defense. Even though Aezvan had informed her that the forest for harmless but she was still on high alert.

After almost an hour, she finally found another road and a bus right on time. Covering her face with her muffler she took the bus and settled herself in the last seat.

From now it was going to be her decision. She wanted to leave this place as soon as she could. Aerius was going to be busy with the party till midnight. That means she still had few more hours more to escape this place.

She looked at the old woman and asked her about the nearest bus station.

She had never travelled before but she was admant to leave the place, she would beg people to guide her, but she's gonna leave today itself. If by any chance she gets caught today then it would definitely put her and Aezvan in grave danger.

She had to make it this time.

Clutching her bag to her chest, she walked through the alley and waited for any taxi that could get her to the bus station.

The winters were cold, she knew it but it was the first time she really felt it. Anxiously she waited for a taxi but when she found none, she decided to walk some more. May be she would find one. Unaware of the dangerous streets that she was lurking in.

"So you thought you would escape that easily" She halted in her tracks, her heart was almost in her throat. She fell numb unable to breath let alone run away from the voice.

"Catch him" Her brows squinted in confusion as she turned around to see some men chasing a man. The man was badly bruised and beaten. Even in the dark, she was able to see blood through his forehead.

The bruised man took out his gun and suddenly wrapped his hand around her neck. Her breath hitched, the man she was pitying just a moment ago had a gun plastered on her head.

"l-let me go or I-I'll shoot her" The man made an attempt to threaten the three men cladded in a black three piece suit.

They laughed. Her eyes clenched shut, unable to understand why her fate have always been so cruel towards her. A little hope was their in heart, she though may be the men would help her but looking at their faces, it was clear that she was not anywhere near to their concern.

"p-please l-let m-me g-go" She pleaded, she was just a sixteen year old girl who finally had managed to almost escape her abusive older brother. All she wanted was to live a little bit.

"Gosh, he is annoying" The bulkiest man among the three spoke and in a second he threw something towards them. He was so fast that she couldn't even comprehend and the next second she felt the hand wrapped around her gone. Shivering, she looked back only to find the men now dead on the street with a knife stuck on his forehead.

 A scream left her mouth but it was shut down when one of the men kept their palm on her mouth.

"Stop screaming, you pretty little thing" the voice made her shiver in disgust.

"Let's get out of here Zane, our work is done" She looked at the second man who was the tallest among the three but less bulky. She saw how he took something out of his pocket and stuck it onto the chest of the now dead guy.

A card with a picture of snake on it.

"Arghh don't be such a bummer, didn't we have an exhausting day, don't you think that we deserve some fun now" Dread, that's all she felt. She knew exactly what kindof 'fun' he was talking about.

The third men who was silent till now scoffed.

"Shut up pedophile, leave her here and let's go" She sighed, a bit of hope again lightened up in her heart.

"fuck you, I'm gonna take her with me an-" a bullet pierced his skull. The other two cursed under their breathe.

"fuck, we not gonna make it" She heard the two of them and before anyone else could do anything, the two of them also shot eachother.

Haven, who was already too traumatized to even react to the situation when she heard a voice that again sent her into the deepest pit of fear.

"Catch her, she was with them" Listening to that, she let her instinct dominate her, taking few steps back, she hurriedly turned away and ran into the alley, seeking for some help or may be a place where she could hide herself.

The money she had was no more with her, the bag fell in the middle of the chaos, now she didn't have anything that she could use to leave this city, let alone the country itself.

She was too exhausted with all the running and almost on the verge of giving up when she spot a car. A man was standing against the car with a cigarette in his hand. She ran towards the man and clutched his arm.

"Please help me" She panted heavily, the last ounce of energy that she had in her was gone and she found herself falling in a never ending darkness. The last thing that she saw was the man's blurred face.


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