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Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, months passed so fast and turned into years that it was hard for people to believe that almost a decade just went by.

Peace was like a dream that only existed in their dreams now.

Justice and humanity became unforgotten words.

Violence was something that was now the thing that people became used to.

It just took a second and all the things that I had ever cherished were long gone. My Dad who was no less than a hero to me, my mom and my sister's happiness, I lost all of them to an accident.

The only thing that I ever wished was for to Aerius to be dead in that accident or me, if dad was alive then he wouldn't have let even a single strand of lina's hair get hurt. He would have protected her like he always did unlike me who fails miserably everytime.

"You hearing me Ryan" My chain of thoughts broke when I heard Jack's voice.

He was Liam's brother, the third in command.

"I don't know where the fuck your brain lives half of the day. If you fucked up this time then your brother's gonna kill you" I just nodded my head at his words. I had nothing to say at all. He sighed running his hand through his hair.

"for fuck sake Ryan" He seemed to be tired of me but I wasn't worried about the stupid party that was going to be held, that stupid gala where all the mafias gathered, fuck this stupid annual gala.

"Ryan" he called again and I told him that I will take care of everything. He ran his hand through his hair again, something he does often when he is fed up. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he heard his phone ring.

"focus" He mouthed to me. Picking up his call he turned back leaving me alone in the hallway.

First thing first I just hate that I had to change my name. From Aezvan Tristan Castillion to Ryan Tristan Wraith. Not just me but even Haven had to get used to her new name. Evangelina that was her new name. Just in a day, i lost everything, even my identity.

Aerius made us change our names and he also changed his. Everyone knows him by the name Hayden Ares Wraith.

He said it was safe this way. After the accident happened, our enemies made sure that we don't stay alive.

He hid our identities and kept us safe for five years. I was grateful to him for the first five years where he played the role of our dead and kept us safe but that was just a trap. He trapped us into trusting him and made us follow him blindly.

But when he got filthy rich in just a day, he started to show his true color. The first thing he did was locking haven in a room, besides few maids I bet that nobody knew that she even exists.

At first I couldn't understand his motive but after the heinous things he did to her, i knew that he wanted the world to stay unaware about the sins he was committing to his own sister.

When i first found out about it I was so mad that I had tried to kill him but instead i got beaten up to death. I realized that day, that the fucker didn't just lusted over her but he was actually obsessed with her. Fucking Pedophile.

I had tried to run away with Lina, i mean haven, i am not allowed to call her by her real name so I call her lina. We have got caught multiple times while trying to escape and everytime the punishments that we received worsened. After the last punishment that we had received last year, we kind of lost hopes to escape him ever again but lately his obsession has been turning lethal.

He locks her up in her room almost all the day. No body goes to the floor where he lives. I'm not sure but I believe that his room has a secret door to Lina's.

Only few maids and guards knows about her existence and they are too under always under observation, if any of them goes out of line, then they die. He didn't even let her finish her education. Stupid Bastard. I am ashamed to be linked with him in anyways.

"Hey you, keep all these things in the Basement, we will load them into the trucks tomorrow.

The gifts in the will go in the blue truck and the weapons in the red one " I heard the voice of one of the guard who was instructing the other guards.

I sneaked in and saw that there were some huge bags, one contains bags filled with gifts while the other were filled with weapons.
  A sudden idea hit my brain. I knew what to do now.


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"Lina....Lina...wake up"

I groaned hearing the familiar voice. Rubbing the sleep off my eyes, I opened them only to see that it was Aezy.

"Aezy, what you're doing here, you need to go back, what if Aerius saw you here instead of preparing for the annual gala" I could see how scared she was.

"Lina..Lina, calm down" I rubbed her arm and cupped her face. She held my hand. He eyes welling up with concern for me.

"I have a plan to get you out of here" I said. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"You mean us right, I'm not going anywhere without you" She said, I gulped.

"yes, yes us" she smiled. I kissed her forehead and told her about the plan. All that matters is for her to escape. I am not sure if I would be able to escape or not but she needs to run away from this hell, she doesn't deserve the cage she has been held in for years now.

I felt bad lying to her that I would escaped with her but it would put her in more danger "Now get ready, we need to execute our plan at night" She nodded. I kissed her forehead.


The man stood in front of me radiated a dark, dangerous and powerful aura.

"Who.Are.You?" He asked and stood there trembling under his scary gaze.



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