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The mansion echoed with Ivan's agitated footsteps as he stormed through its grand halls, his piercing gaze scanning every corner in a desperate search. His heart raced with a fear he seldom allowed himself to feel, a fear that clawed at his chest like an insidious monster.
"Eva!" His voice reverberated off the walls, the sound ringing with a mixture of urgency and frustration. "Eva, where are you?"
His staff members scattered in his wake, their faces pale with a mixture of dread and trepidation. The head maid, Clara, approached him cautiously, her voice trembling as she dared to speak.
"M-Master, we've been searching for Madame everywhere. We can't seem to find her."
Ivan's temper flared, his eyes narrowing into icy slits. He turned his furious gaze towards Clara, his voice a thunderous growl. "What do you mean you can't find her? She's been gone for hours!"
Clara's hands shook as she stammered, "We've checked all the usual places, but there's no sign of her."
His jaw clenched, his frustration boiling over. Ivan's fist slammed against the marble table, the impact reverberating through the room. "Find her, Clara, before I tear you apart and feed you the piranas!"
His anger radiated like a storm, a tempest of emotions that left the mansion's occupants quivering in its wake. He knew his reputation, the fear he instilled in those who served him, and he had never been one to let his emotions get the best of him. But Eva had a way of unraveling his carefully constructed control.
Just after he had came back after torturing one of the spies in his torture room, all he wanted was to cuddle his little beauty but his mind went haywire when he couldn't find her in their room and since then he hadn't seen her. It's already 5 hours now.
Time seemed to stretch as Ivan's relentless search continued, each moment passing in agonizing uncertainty. And then, just as his desperation reached its peak, the door creaked open, revealing Eva standing there, her expression a mix of surprise and concern as she took in Ivan's agitated state.
"Ivan, what's wrong?" Her voice was gentle, a soothing balm that momentarily eased his tension.
He turned towards her, his gaze a storm of emotions—relief, anger, fear—all tangled together. "Where have you been, Eva?"
Eva's brows furrowed in confusion, and she took a cautious step forward. "I was exploring the island. I didn't think you would mind."
His anger flared anew, his patience wearing thin. "Exploring the island? Do you have any fucking idea how worried I've been. HOW DARE YOU TAKE A STEP OUT OF THIS MANSION WITHOUT MY FUCKING PERMISSION?" He yelled.
Eva's eyes closed as she flinched. Her soul shuddered, this was the very first time that she was at end of Ivan's anger, her lips trembled, she almost got a panic attack.
Ivan took a deep breathe trying to control his uncontrollable anger.
"This place is not as safe as it looks Eva" She controlled her tears realizing the extent of his concern. Her voice wavered as she spoke, "I-Ivan, I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause you worry."
He wanted to hold her close, to feel the warmth of her in his arms, but the walls he had built around himself held him back. Instead, he scolded her, his words sharp and biting. "You should have at least informed someone before you left. Do you know what could have happened?"
Eva's shoulders slumped, and her gaze dropped to the floor. "I understand, Ivan. I didn't think it through."
The tension between them hung heavy in the air, a palpable reminder of their clashing emotions. Ivan's frustration warred with his relief, his heart torn between wanting to protect her and wanting to shake some sense into her.
Finally, he let out a frustrated breath, his anger giving way to exhaustion. "Go Back to our room."
She nodded, her voice soft and contrite. "ok"
He turned away, his fists clenched at his sides, and left the hall without another word, the door to his study closing behind him with a resounding thud. Eva watched him go, her heart heavy with guilt and regret. She knew she had pushed him to his limits, and yet, she couldn't deny the spark of defiance that had driven her to explore, to break free from the gilded cage she had found herself in.
"Please be careful next time madam, Master won't be able to control his anger all the time. Please try to obey him all the time" Clara suggested and left. Her words felt like she was back in the hell hole with Aerius, where to be safe from him she had to obey him like a good slave.
She shrugged off her head. To her, Aerius was the biggest monster. Ivan on the other hand was her savior and it was obvious of him to lash out on her, she indeed didn't inform him when she was suppose to.
The mansion fell into an uneasy quiet, Eva was left alone with her thoughts, her heart a tumultuous storm of emotions.
' It's my fault. Why did I have to be so careless. now he is mad at me '
She had taken a risk, and it had pushed Ivan to his breaking point. But deep down, she knew she couldn't stay confined forever, not when her past and her secrets threatened to consume her. Little did she know that her actions would set off a chain of events that would challenge everything they had built, unraveling the delicate illusion they had woven around their hearts.

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