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One year later

Mia & Leah's

Mia turned off the shower, feeling the warm water cascading down her body. She stepped out, feeling the cool air against her skin as she wrapped a fluffy towel around her body, embracing its softness. After patting herself dry, she carefully selected her favorite pair of briefs, slipping them on with a sense of comfort and familiarity. She then reached for a cozy pair of sweats, relishing in their warmth as she pulled them up over her legs. She grabbed a soft white tee, feeling its gentle fabric against her skin as she slipped it on, savoring the familiar scent of her laundry detergent. Her hair, still damp, was quickly gathered into a messy bun.

With her hygiene routine complete, Mia walked out of the bathroom, the steam from the shower trailing behind her. The room she shared with her girlfriend was dimly lit, the soft glow of the nightstand lights casting a warm ambiance. Her girlfriend, already nestled in bed, looked up from her phone, a smile forming on her lips as she saw Mia enter the room. Mia climbed into bed, feeling the softness of the sheets against her skin as she settled in next to her girlfriend. She reached over and turned off the main lights, leaving only the nightstand lights to give a soft glow to the room.

Leah scrolled through her phone, occasionally laughing at something she came across, Mia found solace in her routine of reading before bed. It had been a habit she had cultivated for the past 5 years, a comforting ritual that helped her with her insomnia. However, over the past 12 months, her sleeping problems seemed to have improved with Leah by her side. Most nights, she slept peacefully, but there were still a few nights when her mind would race, consumed by thoughts and worries. Ever since the day Haylee left, Mia had developed a tendency to overthink everything, especially her relationship with Leah. She loved Leah deeply, but a lingering feeling of unease persisted within her, as if something wasn't quite right or that something bad was bound to happen.

Mia couldn't help but believe that happiness in her life was temporary, always overshadowed by the fear that anything could happen. She feared that it was only a matter of time before Leah grew bored and left, or that some tragic event would take her away. No matter how hard she tried to shake off these thoughts, they remained, casting a shadow over her happiness. So she decided just to take advantage of the time she has left with Leah and just be happy, even if it's for a little bit. But despite her fears, Mia had made a decision to cherish the time she had with Leah and to find happiness in the present, even if it was just for a little while.

"Baby?" Leah called snapping Mia out of her trance.

"Yes?" Mia replied turning to her, giving her all of her attention. She made sure to always give Leah attention, fearing that she might be a bad girlfriend if she didn't. The last thing she wanted was for Leah to leave her because she didn't give her enough attention.

"Look, she's so cute," Leah said, showing Mia a video of a baby girl stretching and yawning in her crib, wrapped in a cozy blanket.

"She really is," Mia responded, a smile spreading across her face. "Do you want more kids?" Mia asked, curious about Leah's desires.

"Yes, I want a baby girl so badly," Leah replied. "Are you willing to give me one?"

"I wish I could," Mia chuckled.

"Women should be able to get women pregnant," Leah sighed.

"We'd have a big family by now," Mia joked, imagining a house filled with mini versions of themselves.

"Mini Mia's and Leah's running around," Leah smiled, at the thought.

"I always wanted a family" Mia stated.

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