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Mia's POV

    Barely slept last night, my mind been killing me recently and my anxiety was getting worse. Whenever I get anxious like that, that's my gut telling me something is about to go down. And my gut's always right, I felt it before Micheal died, before my parents died, even before Leah left.

Now what?

My nightmares well flash backs are becoming more frequent. If I do end up falling asleep, I jolt awake in the middle of night, sweating like crazy. Not being able being to go back to sleep. I haven't slept in weeks, my head is banging due the lack of sleep and now got bags under my eyes.

I just hope I don't talk in my sleep. Last thing I need is them hearing me whimper at night and start asking me questions about things I don't wanna talk bout.

To make matters worse, I haven't been in control of my emotions, I'm like a bomb ticking ready to explode. Everything and anything gets under my skin now, when usually I'm unfazed by everything. From the age of seven I mastered, well I taught my sensitive and soft self to be strong and not cry for over everything like I used to and by the age of twelve I was just, numb.

Now all I wanna do is cry, I guess that's what I get for bottling them up for so long now all I feel is anger and sadness. The only time I feel in control is when I'm reading or when I'm around Amber, Tess and Ashtray.

I'm not too found of people, I never had friends I mean I had a few when I was little well I thought, I did till when I needed them the most, no one was there.

They knew what I was going through it, yet no one really cared not even an Are you okay? or a How you holding up. They didn't even bother coming to my parents funeral, I buried both of them and grieved alone. I didn't cry, but deep down my heart felt like it was ripping apart.

As soon as I started making money people started caring all of sudden, I really don't need that type of energy around me. I was always in my office or home, the only person I used to consider as a friend was Leah, before she became my girlfriend.

But Tess, Amber and Ashtray seemed genuine, sometimes Fea sits with us. They're always asking me if I'm okay or whatever whenever they see a frown on my face Ashtray and Tess would make stupid jokes; they swear they're funny.

They're so unserious, I sometimes forgetting were in prison it feels like I'm in a high school cafeteria, well l think, I never got to experience that either.

"You up early?" Amber said interrupting my thoughts.

"Yea couldn't sleep." I replied.

"Are you okay for real?" She questioned. "You talk in your sleep and shit, you sound scared as fuck."


"I'm good." I reassured her. "Just little nightmares I don't even remember, when I wake up." I lied.

"Are you sure?" She questioned.

"Yea." I replied.

Like I said, I don't wanna talk about it.

"Okay" Amber responded. "We should get going."

I got up took my stuff, headed to the bathrooms; empty as usual.

I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash away the weariness from my body. After drying off, I quickly got dressed and grabbed my toothbrush. That's when I heard it—a shower running nearby. I assumed it was Amber, so I continued with my usual routine, not paying much attention. But then, something caught my ear—moans.

At first, I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me, a result of the sleepless nights I had been experiencing.

Because who in their right mind would be having sex at this hour? In a prison bathroom?

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now