128 27 4

📍Manhattan, New York

5:35 am

Mia & Ashtray's

Mia fluttered her eyes open to the sound of the blaring alarm clock on her phone. The early morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft, golden glow across the room. She reached out to shut off the alarm, her fingers grazing the cool screen. After silencing it, she sat up and stretched, feeling the satisfying pull of her muscles. Turning to her side, she saw Ashtray beside her, still deep in sleep. Their chest rose and fell rhythmically under the warm, cocooning sheets, a shield against the crisp air from the AC.

A soft smile curved Mia's lips. She leaned over, sliding her hand under Ashtray's black tank top, feeling the warmth of their skin. Gently, she began to rub their stomach, her fingers moving in slow, soothing circles. She pressed her lips to the crook of their neck, breathing in their familiar, comforting scent.

Ashtray stirred at her touch, their body slowly waking from its restful slumber. As their senses fully returned, a soft chuckle escaped their lips. They turned onto their back, their eyes meeting Mia's. With a sleepy grin, they leaned in for a kiss, but Mia playfully pushed their head back with her pointer finge, an apparent mug on her face.

"You ain't even brush your teeth yet." Mia said, and they smack their lips before mugging her in return.

"You stay being mean to me," Ashtray pointed out, their voice still thick with sleep.

"Boo hoo." Mia replied, "Get up, we got a daughter to get ready for school." She tossed the covers off herself, the cool air biting at her skin as she swung her legs out of bed. Ashtray groaned but followed suit, reluctantly pulling themselves from the warmth of the bed.

They both took a moment to say their morning prayers, their voices a soft murmur in the quiet room. Afterward, they made their way to the bathroom, going through their hygiene and hair routines. The sound of running water and the scent of toothpaste filled the air. Once ready, they each slipped on a pair of sweats over their boxers.

As they walked out of the bedroom, and Ashtray being a head instinctively, Mia instinctively smacked Ashtray's ass. They hissed in pain, rubbing the spot as they turned to face her.

"Michaela," they called sternly, though their eyes held a hint of amusement. Mia raised her hands in mock surrender, a smile playing on her lips.

"I couldn't help it," Mia defended, slowly backing away.

"You couldn't help it?" Ashtray repeated, advancing towards her. Mia nodded, her smile widening.

"It just looked so nice," Mia explained, her eyes twinkling with humor. Ashtray hummed in response, squinting their eyes. But before Ashtray could do anything, Mia pecked their lips and quickly darted down the hallway to Mai's room. Ashtray shook their head, a fond smile tugging at their lips, before heading to the kitchen.

In Mai's room, Mia gently pushed the creaked door open. The soft glow of the nightlight cast a warm hue across the violet-decorated room, highlighting Mai's small form nestled in the comfort of her purple blanket. Mia quietly approached the bed, gently shaking the little girl awake.

"Princess," Mia called softly, her hand caressing Mai's back. Mai fluttered her eyes open, a sleepy smile spreading across her face at the sight of her mother.

"Good morning, Momma," Mai said, sitting up and stretching before letting out a big yawn.

"Morning, princess," Mia responded, her smile warm and loving. "How'd you sleep?" she asked, tucking a stray curl behind Mai's ear.

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