121 29 6

📍Manhattan, New York

5:49 pm

    Mia sat on the edge of Ashtray's bed, waiting for them to finish getting ready for the Christmas dinner. She recently found Ashtray's old tik tok account, and as she waited, began scrolling through it. A chuckle escaped her lips as she watched twenty-one-year-old Ashtray's antics.

"No way," she laughed, this catching Ashtray's attention. They emerged from the bathroom, adjusting a gold ring on their index finger, a smile spreading across their face. Hearing Mia's laughter made them feel content. "Ashtray, what the hell was wrong with you?"

"What?" They curiously approached their girlfriend and sat beside her, peering at the video she was watching. "Bruh, how'd you find that?" they asked, clearly embarrassed.

"Believe it or not, but you popped up on my 'For You page." She chuckled. "You were wild on that app, the thirst traps, Lord!" Mia laughed again.

"Stoppp, I'm gon' report that account and get it banned or something, that's just embarrassing." they said, shaking their head. "I need to remember that damn password."

"You looked good, though," Mia smiled.

"Looked?" Ashtray repeated. "I don't look good anymore?" they questioned.

"Still so handsome," Mia complimented. A smile grew on Ashtray's face as she leaned in and pecked their lips. "Come on, it's almost six."

"We got like ten minutes left," Ashtray stated, pecking her lips a few more times, attempting to deepen the kiss.

"Ash, stop." Mia chuckled, pulling away and they sighed.

"I don't wanna go down there." They whined.

"I asked if you were sure and you were like 'I'll spend Christmas with the Coopers'" Mia reminded them, mocking their voice.

"I don't sound like that." They frowned.

"Come on, let's go," Mia said, standing up. "C'mon, vámonos, everybody let's go. C'mon, let's get to it, I know that we can do it," Mia chanted as she took both their hands, helping them up. Ashtray chuckled, reluctantly standing up and walking ahead of her. Unable to resist the urge, Mia smacked Ashtray's behind. They hissed at the pain, turning to face Mia as they massaged the stinging sensation away.

"I barely got any," Ashtray complained.

"Mmh, the back shots stated otherwise." Mia smiled reminiscing, "Thinking about it, maybe I do wanna stay up here" A smile immediately tugged at Ashtray's lips at Mia's words.

"We can—"

"—I was joking," she immediately responded, cutting them off. "Let's get this over with." Mia's grip tightened around their hands as she led them downstairs, their steps echoing softly against the polished wooden floors. The scent of roasting turkey wafted through the air, mingling with the warm aroma of mashed potatoes. At the table, Jin placed the turkey with practiced precision, while Bill, arranged the potatoes beside it.

"On time," Jin pointed out, "Michaela does have a positive impact on you. Usually I'd have to call you out ten times for you come eat." She added and they all chuckled.

"Where's everyone else?" Ashtray inquired, their gaze flickering toward the empty chairs.

"Mother wanted it to be just us this year," Ashley's voice floated down the stairs, announcing her arrival. Ashley made quite an entrance, walking down stairs in a white corset that hung her and showcase her and a hot pink mini skirts, almost red. Flipping her natural gingered curly wavy hair, and revealing her pink acrylic French tips. As she made her way downstairs Ashtray couldn't help but roll their eyes.

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