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6:12 am

Yanelie's back was turned, ready to jump off the building. Tess finally made it, and she was seriously about to jump. Ashtray and Mia physically couldn't move, their hearts pounding in their chests. They had no idea what to do, but they couldn't bear to watch. They closed their eyes, as reflex.

"Shit, Yanelie, stop, man," they heard voice Tess say.

"Let me go," Yanelie demanded, her voice trembling with pain.

"Y'all gonna just stand there? Help me!" Tess groaned, her voice strained as she struggled to get a hold on Yanelie.

Reluctantly, Ashtray and Mia opened their eyes. They saw Tess near the edge, but not as close as before. She was desperately trying to get a hold on Yanelie, to keep her from falling.

"Yanelie, please," Tess pleaded.

"I just want it to end, man," Yanelie cried, her voice breaking.

"That's not the right way, Yan. Please, calm down. Help me! Shit," Tess groaned, her voice filled with frustration. Yanelie bit Tess's arm in a desperate attempt to escape her grip.

"Hold her hands down," Tess instructed, her voice urgent. Mia and Ashtray quickly made their way to them, their hearts pounding in their chests. With Ashtray's help, they held Yanelie's hands down, trying to keep her from hurting herself.

Before they could fully process what was happening, Yanelie went limp, unconscious. Mia let go of her arm, clearly taken aback.

"Did you just use a sleeper hold on her?" Mia questioned.

"It's that or she'd kill herself or us all," Tess responded, as she gently lifted Yanelie over her shoulders, carrying her  as she made her way to safety.

12:45 pm

Ashtray's POV

After what happened with Yanelie this morning we stayed with her but she was still unconscious, I don't know if what Tess did was safe but it was that or she'd jumped. She was still asleep when I left, I was going to stay but Tess told us she got it and that Yanelie will be okay.

We did try to go back to sleep but couldn't.
I had to go to work, even if Mia told me I could've stayed home, I didn't want to. Today's Wednesday our busiest day of the week. We also have a shit tones of orders and the kids to feed, I couldn't let Ryann, Victor, Becky and Tori deal with alone I don't give a shit bout Liza.

It was currently 12pm lunch time, 6 more hours left the restaurant was packed, thank God I'm not working at the club tonight I'm tired as fuck and sore, Mia fucked the shit out of me. The best sex I've had ever and I've messed with a lot of people...too many.

"Who got you smiling like that?" Ryann questioned with a smirk, and Liza stole a quick glance. But when I caught her looking, she immediately turned back to whatever she was doing. We were in the kitchen, busy preparing the orders, while Victor and Becky were outside taking orders.

"You'll burn yourself if you don't pay attention to what you're doing," I warned her, ignoring his question. She added some oil to his pan, which caused it to burst into flames. Nothin' dangerous if you watch cooking shows, ya know.

"So you won't spill the beans? Someone finally got you smiling and you won't spill?" Ryann scoffed.

"Ashtray got a boo?" Becky walked in, asking with a smile. "Who's the lucky girl?"

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