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Mia's POV

    Six long months, six more to go. I don't know if I'm just getting angrier or everyone becoming more annoying but I can't take it no more. Fea and Tess are driving me crazy, Fea acts like a freaking kid and I seriously believe she does need help, like medical help that girl is crazy and Tess feeds into her shit.

I was in the library sitting at the back which became our spot we'd sit here and talk or read together. Now, I'm here alone, reading to myself, never thought I'd miss anyone other than my family this much.

I think I've already read half of the books here. The one, I'm currently reading right now is boring as hell.

"Mia?" I heard someone call, making me look up. But, I don't recognize the voice it didn't sound like Fea, Tess or Amber.

"Where the fuck is she?" I heard another mumble.

There, I felt a knot in my stomach and not the good type. I quietly stood still, paying attention to the ruffles and whispers as the footsteps were getting closer and closer.

"There you are." I look up to see one of Fea's friends, Gio. Soon after, four other woman appeared. "Hey pretty girl." Gio grinned.

"Can I help you?" I questioned, skeptically getting off the floor.

"Of course." Gio said as her smile widened. "Rosa." She called and one of them walked away with a scissors in her hands. A few seconds later she came back.

"Done." She stated and Gio nodded.

Done what?

"Do me a favor Mia, and make this easy for me Ight?" Gio asked, my eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Make what easy?" I questioned.

"You thought we wouldn't get our piece?"

"Piece of what?" I asked, my confusion deepened.

"Of you mama" She grinned basically eye fucking me. My heart skipped a beat, I know exactly what comes next, I look around and there weren't any escapes.

"Strip for me." She demanded, I froze in place. I couldn't speak nor move, like I was paralyzed. I was petrified a feeling I haven't felt since the day I ran away from Tamisha's.

"Come on, mama don't make me do it."

Even if I could've talked. nothing I say or do will make them change their minds.

"Fine." She sighed. "Since you wanna be difficult."


C.C.J's Cafeteria

    Fea, Amber, and Tess stood in the cafeteria line, waiting to get their food. As they glanced at their plates, Amber couldn't help but mumble, "I'ma never get used to this shit," while staring at the strange substance in front of her.

"Bro like what the fuck is this suppose to be? Tess muttered, her face scrunched up. "Where's Mia? I haven't heard her slick ass mouth yet." She remarked looking around.

"I don't know." Amber shrugged, as they made their way to her table where Fea was already seated.

"Yo Fea have you seen Mia?" Tess questioned as she sat across from Fea.

"Uhh nah." Fea responded, she hummed as she scanned the prison's cafeteria, her eyes widened when she noticed that the table where her cell mates sat was empty. "Shit." She muttered as she stood up.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now