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Tess's POV

It's been a tiring couple of hours. We're at the hospital once again, waiting Ashtray to wake the fuck up from the temporary coma the doctors put them in. Mia refuses to move from her seat, still covered in Ashtray's blood but I did give her a shirt.

The police asked us what happened and Yanelie came up with this big ass lie. Bout' Kendra our now deceased friend hosted a little get-together, then all of sudden people came in and shoot the place up.

If I wasn't there, I'd believe that shit too.

"Are you sure you don't want some water?" Yanelie asked Mia, she's been trying to get her to drink some water for the past three hours but she won't take nun.

"I'm fine." Mia replied.

"Come on Mia at least a sip." Yanelie encouraged.

"I'm fi—"

"—Mia," they called out, causing us to turn our attention towards them.

"Go get a doctor," Mia instructed, and Yanelie hurriedly left the room.

"Sup, wasian," I greeted with a smile, they chuckled lightly, as they sat up but winced in pain instead.

"Lay back down." Mia instructed.

"I'm fine" They sighed.

"You got shot twice." She frowned, before she spoke again, "Don't ever, I say ever do that shit ever again. Don't ever take a bullet for me let alone two. I'll raise you from dead then kill you myself. Understood?"

She's gotta be kidding me...

"But—" They were cut off by the doctor entering the room with Yanelie and a nurse. She did her little checkup and all, they was/were? Shit Ion know but everything was fine.

"I didn't believe in miracles until today. People hardly survive after being shot in the chest, and you've been shot twice," the doctor remarked, putting her stethoscope back around her neck.

"God's a miracle worker," Mia replied.

"Amen." Yanelie added. Ion really believe in that man above but I guess everyone has their own beliefs. I'm just glad Ashtray's fine and I ain't did all that shit for nun.

Thanks to whoever.

After the doctor left, Yanelie and I decided to go back to Mia's to change and get Mia some clothes and shit since she refuses to budge. She's lucky I ain't tell Ashtray she ain't eat nor drink nun in last twenty-four hours.

The drive back there was quiet as hell I hated everything second of it. I don't know what to say or how to say it. I'm not good with words nor that lovey dovey shit. I don't even tell my brothers I love em and we're triplets.

How the hell I'ma tell Yanelie I got feelings for her?

I get cringed out really easily. The thought of saying I love you makes me wanna puke. Hate romantic movies with a passion shit makes me gag. But I can't deny the fact that Yanelie makes me feel things I ain't never felt before.

I called her beautiful yesterday, and it came out so natural, I ain't never called anyone that before. I knew she felt insecure about showing her face so I tried to reassure her. She is truly beautiful, I ain't never met someone with a perfect symmetrical face. Everything about her was perfect to me, I don't get how she doesn't see how beautiful she truly is.

Sigh, I'm already into deep, and all we did was fuck.

Maybe, I should tell her...but how?

"You guys are oddly quiet," Mia said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now