Childhood Friend

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Lisa POV

It's lunch time alredy so time to pick up my twins. I'm about to leave when my secretary, Somi, called thru phone.

"Ma'am, Ms. Suzy is here should I send her in? " Somi asked. Oh gosh! I just finished my fight with Jennie last night. I know Jennie's eyes are in all corners.

"Ahm Somi I have to pick up the twins tell her to just go some other time or make an excuse that I have a meeting in a few minutes. Just do something. " I reasoned out but before Somi response Suzy get the phone.

"Yah! Manobangs get out there or let me in. I cooked your favorite gamjatang and you will just send me off! " She said. Wah! Gamjatang! I was about to give in but I remembered Jennie's outrage last night that let me shivers.

"Also, I found your longest time and anticipated limited Lamborghini. I knew someone selling that one. " She said that made me more excited

 " She said that made me more excited

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Finally! I found my car. I just deal with Jennie later.

"Fine! But I really need to get to my kid's school to pick them up. After that we can discuss my baby car. " I sweetly said ans she giggles.

"Yeah yeah get you ass here now so we can get your little demons. " She mockingly said.

Water Lily Nursery Integrated School

Lisa and Suzy went to pick up her twins. As soon as the step out, Lily immediately hug her dada and also the other three after.

"Dada! I got 5 stars look look" Lily proudly shows her starts to her Dada.

"Dada, who is she? " Naeun asked

"Dada, can I get an ice cream? " Leo said

"Dada, I'm sleepy up up" Jungwoo said

Lisa doesn't know who what to do to her twins after hearing a lot of questions. Suzy just laugh beside her because of the cute interactions. Lisa lift Jungwoo and respond to them

"Okay kids. One at a time Dada can answer you, so this is Aunt Suzy my childhood friend say Hi to her. About the ice cream, let me look if I can give you some" Lisa said and they greet Suzy.

"Suzy, this Jungwoo and Naeun my twins after Ella and Leo and Lily after them. "

"Hi babies~ It so nice to finally meet you. Your dada just made beautiful children. " Suzy said and smile to them.

"Let's have lunch somewhere else my treat! " Suzy said and the kids jumps in joy. Even Lisa is scared that anyminute her wife can appear anywhere she doesn't have a choice as the kids are happy to meet her friend, Suzy.

They went to McDonald's so the Kids can play to the play area.

"Dada, I want chicken, fries and ice cream! " Lily said

"Dada, I want chicken and lots of ice creammmmm" Jungwoo said while clapping his hands in excitement

"Dada, chickin~" The other twins said with aegyo voice

"Okay okay I'll get it just don't tell your mom that I let you eat sweets. Okay? " Lisa asked and they nod immediately.

"So adorable! I'll just have fries and chicken. " Suzy said.

While their eating some customers was amazed to the kids and thought that Lisa and Suzy made a beautiful family. Someone even took a picture and posted it in social media

In the caption:

@maelynsia: look this cute family I found in McDonald's they looked beautiful together. I hope the kids grow up like their gorgeous mom and Oh gosh that yummy dadddy

Lisa was not able to check that people are talking to them as she was busy feeding the twins

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Lisa was not able to check that people are talking to them as she was busy feeding the twins. Suzy also help Lisa in feeding the kids since this kiddo wants to be sweetest to their dad and aunty.

After having their lunch, they go back to office and since Lisa needs to talk to Suzy immediately about her baby car. She cancelled all her meetings for the day and let the Kids play inside her penthouse in her office.

"Kids, don't litter to much and take care of each other. You hear me? " Lisa said and the nod excitedly.

Lisa built a penthouse in her own office since she's working late sometimes to finish her work and to let her kids play in a safe place while she's working. They have their own play room in there with lots of toys that Lisa secretly bought since Jennie prevent her in spoiling the Kids.

Once settled, Lisa and Suzy went back to office area to talk about this limited edition car that Lisa anticipating to buy since last year but she's was not able to catch one since she's busy that time.

"So where will I buy my baby car? " Lisa immediately asked.

"Hahaha unbelievable Lisa you really look forward to that. Well actually I just pretend that I knew just to hangout with you and the kids. " Suzy said and laugh continously.

"Yah! How dare you lie to me? I've been looking forward to buy one. " Lisa whine and Suzy laugh even more because of childliness of Lisa.

"Hahaha here opened it." She said and handed her a small box.

"Yah! What's this?"

"Just opened it. Tsk! "

Lisa opened the box and shockingly found a car key of her anticipating car.

"OMG Bae! No fucking way! You bought it already? That's 500 billion won!!! " She shocking said

"Yeah I know hahah and that's my gift for you since I missed your life over 10 years? " Suzy said

"No no you don't do this. I'll pay for this. This is too much. " Lisa said but Suzy shake her head

"Ah ah no you will not do that or else I will let my friend Greg have that one instead. " Suzy said

"No! It's mine already. Fine you win! Gosh this is to expensive man. Thank you so much. You know I love you! " Lisa said and hug Suzy tightly.

In that position, Jennie barge in her office with furious stare.



HAHAHA I'm enjoying this story so instead of one shot let me do this as a short story 😜

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