How We Started

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12 years ago

The couple were busy as they can't take their eyes off to a cute little baby that are now sleeping in her crib...

"Ahmm Jen you must be tired. You can sleep. I will look after Ella. " Lisa said but Jennie shook her head.

"No It's okay. I can manage besides you have classes at 8am.You should rest it's already 12 midnight. " Jennie insists but Lisa can't bear to sleep because she's worried to her wife and daughter.

"Nahhh I'll stay with you." Lisa said and they just looked at Ella because any moment this baby will cry again.

"Waaaaaah waahhhh" Baby Ella cries

Jennie immediately get up to calm Ella. While Lisa helps her wife and check if Ella has wet diapers.

"Maybe she's irritated and disturbed her sleep. " Lisa said so Jennie sway her hips while Lisa played some Disney instrumental songs to calm Ella and it works.

It must be new for the couple for this things. Everyday they have sleepless nights since they can't sleep soundly knowing Ella will cry again any minute.

Jennie was doing an online class while Lisa regularly attend her classes.

"Yow yow Daddy Lis..... Hey what the fuck happened to your face? " Jeongyeon asked Lisa and look unto her face. Lisa shoved his hand.

"I'm lack of sleep okay? Stop pestering me. " Lisa said and sleep in her desk.

"Yah! How rude of you. Tsss now you know that It was so hard to be a father. " Jeongyeon added. Rose smacked her.

"Stop pestering her you idiot! Can't you see? Now are you done with our assignment? " Rose said and Jeongyeon dash out as she forgot their project in her locker.

"Yah! Manoban... You look so tired. Does Ella torturing you guys? " Rose asked and Lisa looked at her sleepy and nod.

"Aww my baby manoban... Don't worry you can drop Ella at our house any minute if you are so tired. " Rose said that made Lisa looked at her happily.


Jennie is attending online class while she's looking after Baby Ella.

"Now class look at page 312 and do the problem in Exercise 2.2." Her prof said. While Jennie is busy, Ella suddenly cried. She asked Mrs. Chen that she has to attend to her daughter and good thing she understand.

Jennie get the crying baby Ella.

"Shh shhh Mommy's here.... What do you want? Ohhh you're hungry.... Okay... " Jennie said and she Ella sucking her thumb. She went in the corner to breastfeed Ella while she's swaying her hips so Ella can sleep.

After class Lisa went to a flower shop to buy for her wife...

"Miss, can I have that daisy? A dozen please. " Lisa said and asked the florist to arrange it beautifully for her wife.

Lisa was riding a cab on her way home as her parents wants her to know public transportation.

Meanwhile Jennie is preparing their dinner while she's looking after Ella. She just finished her class. She heard Baby Ella cries so she immediately turned off the stove and run into her.

"Hey.... Mommy's here. What happened? " Jennie asked and she checked the diaper and was welcomed to her poop.

"Owww you naughty girl just poop. Okay let me change your diaper. " Jennie said and changed Ella's diapers.

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