Saving the Manoban's

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Marco's POV

"Jennie dear, you will meet Mr. Wang so part of his bodyguards will be away from the place. Don't worry Sweety I will just deceive Wang so he will go out the place. I will never let anyone get in touch with you, Diana and the kids. " I assure my wife who's glaring at me after hearing my statement.

"You make sure Marco! Or I will be the one who will kill you if something happens to our daughter-in-laws. " She said and I gulped hard. She's scary to be mad. I saw them holding their laugh so I fake cough to get their attention.

"Okay.... Now Diana... I need your skills inside the warehouse... The place seems high tech and we need some idea about the blue print. Jeongyeon will help us to hack the system. " I said

"Don't worry Dad I already did it. " She said that made us shocked. I've been thinking if my daughter in law is a real spy now...cause she's killing it! (AU: hahaha I like that statement from Kath from A Very Good Girl)

"Wow! You are great dear. Okay so since we have the blue print let's check the ins and outs. " I said

We finished our discussion.... Jennie and Diana will travel to Jeju with the kids and my wife since they are unsafe to stay at the mansion while we all do this. I ordered all of my bodyguards and even armies to go with us. I discussed my plans with the my trusted people. Jennie and Lisa's friend is with us. They keep bugging me to join this operation so I let them or they will ruin the plan by barging in the scene.

Plan A: We plan to deceive Jackson Wang that Jennie will give a shot to him and meet him up and we will do the ambush arrest to him for doing illegal importation of weapons and using drugs. We will send agent inside Joongki's place and let them save my twins while we prepare to attack them and make sure Joongki will pay all his debts. I will make sure my family is in safe place during our operations and will settle the case of Joongki before I bring them back.

Plan B: We will do a surprise attack to Joongki's Place and the authority will raid the place. My insider agent will secure the safety of my twins. I will hide my family outside the country to make them safe during the operation. I will make sure Joongki's rot in jail or kill him in my bare hands if he tried to kill me so It will be defense mechanism if someone dragged me to police.

Plan C: I will decieve Joongki's that Diana is in my hand and let him meet me but It's a trap to get all his attention so we can brage in to his place to arrest his people and Mr. Wang for all the cases they need to play.

We actually prepared A-Z plans but I only disclose the 3 options so If someone from the involved person betrayed me, We will continue the task. I can't risk another bullshit chance to Joongki to kill my twins. He will surely pay. I will make sure he will!

My wife and my daughter in laws with my grandchildren are now preparing to pack some of their things.

"Sweety, don't you dare let that Joong hurt you or I will be the one dragged him 6 feet below. " My wife said and I chuckled to her sadist warning.

"Haha Yes sweety... Please take care of our daughters and grandchildren... We will both see each other after all the shits. " I said and kiss her forehead.

"Yes sweety... We will be a family again... " Chittip said and hugs me. I can't wait that moment. I bid goodbye to them.

They ride my private jet and the Task Force and I gather up to do our plans. We can do this!

Seulgi POV

Fuck! I really hate this. I hope I can kill Jackson Wang later but I can't do that shit. Irene, Nayeon, and Rose is with me as we hide near the alfresco restaurant where we will ambush Jackson...

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