Manoban's Angels

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Jennie POV

I woke up with my husband lying next to me with her tired face. I wish I could make her feel okay. I honestly shocked when Mommy Chittip told me Lia runs away. I never thought of throwing her out, It's just that I was overwhelmed but never in my thought to do such thing in an innocent child. She's just about the age of Ella and knowing her mom was murdered added to my sympathy to her.

I touched Lisa's face tracing those visible dried tears that I am sure she have last night. I kiss her tears and her forehead. I know this is too hard for her and I can't see her hurting because It double the pains in me.

She lighly move and opened her eyes. She gave me a half smile but I can she the hurt in her eyes. She lean to kiss my lips that I gladly take. I hug her after and sniff her smell.

"Good morning hun~~" She weakly great me and I looked at her with her gummy smile. She finally gave me her full smile.

"I love you.... " I said and gave her a peck.

"I love you more.... " She said and kiss me before hugging me again.

"Does Ella still mad at me? " She suddenly asked and I got silent. I can't say that Ella was so angry and even tell me that whatever I explained to her.... She hates Lisa for having step sister.

Flashback yesterday

"Ella... Please open the door for Mommy... " I said and later on I felt that she unlocked her door. I found her laying in the bed facing her pillow. I heard her cries that made me worried. I sit besides her and caress her back.

"Baby... Please talk to me Mommy... I will explained to you what really happens. " I said but she just continue to sob. I sighed.

"Baby... You're still Dada's girl... I know this is knew to you. Even to me.... I was shocked... But It's not Dada's fault or Lia's fault. Dada told me that she had Lia before I have you... It was a long story baby but to make it short.... Something happen to your dada and her friend. Her friend kept the baby from your dada but sadly someone murdered her friend so Lia has no one to come but to your Dada.... Baby It's not Dada's fault. Aren't you happy? You have someone same at your age to hang out with? She's your sister... "I said and caress her back. She's still crying.

" I don't care mom.... I hate her for having another child to another women.... I thought I'm her first born but all this time I was wrong.... I hate her mom... I hate her! "She said cry again. My poor baby.

" Baby..... It's not what you think... As I said you Dada never knew she exists until today.... I'm sorry honey you feel this way towards Dada. She loves you she really do.... Do you know how much your Dada got so emotional when she finally hold you? She smile sweetly that finally Baby Ella is in her arm. She love you baby. She loves all of you because you are the fruit of our love... Remember that. And if you feel the hate right now because Dada has another child to other woman it's okay. It was normal to feel that way. I understand you...... I want you to reflect of your emotions right now. I love you baby. Take a rest first. "I said and kiss her head before I left her.

End of Flashback

" She still hates me isn't it? "She asked sadly and I just sadly nod. She gave me a deep sighed.

" I'm sorry for making you feel this to me and Lia. "She said and looks really dissapointed.

" Hun... I understand... I'm sorry that I make you feel alone when I judge you but no. It's okay... I know as much as I was shocked, I knew this is all new to you.. Don't worry I will stand with you.... Our family is getting big. Isn't it? "I said and get her hand to touch my small baby bump. She finally smile again. Her genuine smile.

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