The Villain

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Joongki POV

What the actual fuck!

"Who the hell told you to shot my daughter? Huh! " I said and beat this boy with my baseball bath.

"Arghhhh! "

"Are you testing me? Huh?! " I grab his head and shouted on him.

"Get the hot steal! "

"Boss please please I will do everything please spare me. "

"You lay a hand to my daughter. You even almost killed my grandchild. " I said and let the hot burning steal touch her hand, arms and legs.


"You fucking idiot! I almost lost my daughter now suffer! " I said and put the steal on her back. I put down the steal when I was satisfied to see him bleeding.

"Skin him alive and dumped his body in burning coil. " I said and left.

No one can ever lay a hand to what's mine. No one.

"Track the fucking twins of Manoban and get them here! Don't let my daughter know this and don't let anyone track you or I will kill you like that bastard! " I said and left.

Lisa POV

I was awake with heavy feeling in my chesk. I was shocked to see my lovely wife sleeping besides me and her upper body was leaning on my chest. I think she looks for me last night. I tap her lightly since the kids might be awake in any minute.

"Hun... Wake up.. " I said and caress her hair. She slightly move and hugs me tightly.

"Hun... You have to wake up... The kids will see us here. Mom and Dad is also here remember? " I reminded her so she opened her eyes and sit with her sulky face. I pinch her cute mandu cheeks.

"Tss you should have sleep in the room so we can cuddle longer

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"Tss you should have sleep in the room so we can cuddle longer... " She said and pout. She's acting an angry baby again. I kissed her cheeks and let her sit in my lap.

"I'm sorry hun I was too sleepy to get up. " I said and kiss her in her cheeks, nose and lips.

"Hmp! I'm mad at you! You left me upstairs. " She said and even cross her arms to me.

"Come on hun. I was just sleepy. What will I do to make you forgive me? " I asked but I choke when she answered me.

"Make Love to me the whole day... " She said seriously. Omygosh!

"Yah! You fuckers stop making babies! I'm getting old because of your little demons. " Jisoo unnie said and points to us. I chuckled and Jennie just gave her gummy smile.

"Unnie~~ gwenchana.. If Rosie posie allowed you to marry her, I bet you will surpass the number of my children. " Jennie said. I frown. What's going on here?

"Hun, what are you saying? Jisoo unnie will marry Chaeyoung? " I asked her and she nod like a kid.

"Yes.... Actually hahahha they slept together because I heard some moans to the other room. " Jennie said and I was shocked. WTF

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