Jealous Nini

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Lisa POV

I feel like I lost my blood when I saw my wife with her murderous glare with me. I immediately withdraw from the hug and face her with fake smile.

"Hehehe Hi Honey~" I nervously greet her.

She gave me a blank face.

"Care to explain, Lalisa Pranpiya fucking Manoban. " She slowly said while emphasizing every word. Oh remind me why am I here in this nerve wrecking position. I carefully approached her and gave her a peck. Good thing she did not dodge my kiss.

"Ahm Hun... This is Suzy Bae my childhood friend. I wasn't able to introduce her to you since she flew back to New York to continue her studies. " I calmly said and fakely smile to her.

Suzy move closer to us and gave her happy smile. Oh man! I wish I can go out of here. Knowing Jennie...

I was shocked when Jennie offer her hands for a shake. Wow! just wow Is she okay? Last night, she even throw me all the pillow just because she knew that I had a coffee date with Suzy.

"Glad to meet you, I am Mrs. Jennie Ruby Jane Kim-Manoban, Lisa's one and only wife. " She proudly introduced herself while giving her a full smile. I was kinda scared of that smile because I sense something bad right now.

"Oh Lisa is right. She married a beautiful wife. I'm happy to finally meet you dear. " Suzy kindly accepted her hands and they seems to hold each other for too long, about a minute already. Ahm, should I stop them?

" I hope you're aware that it is not good to see you here alone with my husband while she is clearly married. "Jennie said while holding firmly of Suzy's hand. Oh I knew it! Huhu what will I do?

" Oh are you threaten to me dear? "Suzy said and gave her smiley smirk. Yah! Bae don't argue with my wife. I was dumbfounded in front of them as I am scared that my wife turns to a real tiger any minute.

" Why would I? Are you that enough to surpass a Jennie Kim-Manoban? I bet you are not even 1% of my beauty. " Jennie savagely said. Oh that's my wife!

"Hahahaha Oh you must be really threatened to me. Don't worry Lisa is not my type. " Suzy said and withdraw her hand to Jennie and gave a tummy laugh. I glared to her so she suppress her laughter. Tsk! This woman.

Jennie just gave a blank face. Oh here she is again!

"Oh Manobangs~ I got to go It was nice hanging out with you and the Kids. Jennie I hope I could have a tea talk with you too. Byee. " Suzy said and I did not expect when she approached me and gave me a cheek kiss.

When she left the room, It finally sink in that Suzy kissed me. Oh fuck! I looked for my wife but she left me and went inside the penthouse.

I went inside and found her preparing the Kids to go.

"Hun~ sorry I was shocked to her gestures. " I said and was about to approach her but she ignores me and continue to help my Kids. Oh gosh!

"Babies~ come on let's go home. The air seems dirty at this place. " Jennie said and lift Leo while Lily, Jungwoo and Naeun holding their hands

"Yey! We will see Baby Avy and Priya. Let's go Dada" Naeun excitedly hold my hands and I just gave her a smile.

The whole drive is full of Kids playful commentaries and stories while Jennie and I are just quietly listened to them.

"Mommy~ Aunty Suzy helps me in my lunch earlier. She even praise my stars! " Lily happily said. I gulp when she said that. I forgot to tell my wife that I ate with her and the kids.

"Really? That's good" Jennie cheerfully responded. That's good to us especially my wife, she will not let our kids know that she's not okay or we are not okay so the kids will not worry to us.

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