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Lisa POV

"Arghhhh Manoban!!! Fuck! " I immediately go to Jennie as I heard her scream. I left Avery with Ella and run upstairs.

"Wait me here. Your Mommy is screaming... " I said

"Yahhhh! Manoban!!! Arhhh shit! " I heard Diana.

"Yahhh Priya! Omygosh I think our wives water broke." I said and dragged Priya with me.

We run upstairs and found our wives in our balcony screaming in their lungs.

"You fucking Manoban! Get here and let's go arghhhh I can't take this pain anymore. " Jennie said so Immediately run to her.

"Priya, call Daddy to get ready the car. I will get our bags. " I said

"Okay okay. Oh shocks! " Priya said and move fastly.

"MANOBAN!!!!!!!!!!!! "

We arrived to the hospital. Irene Unnie and Seulgi will attend our wives.

"Lisa, what will I do? Fuck this is my first time. " Priya asked me.

"Don't get nervous... Maybe you will be this last hahah. " I joked to her and she gave me a death glare.

"Come inside, your wives are about to give birth. " Seulgi called us so we wear protective clothes before we go inside. Jennie and Diana is lying in the cold metal.

"Okay.... I want to to breath fisrt okay... Then let's work with your push and breath. " Seul said to Diana.

"Jen, you know the drill... When I say push you have to breath and give me good push. Okay? " Irene unnie said.

They are both in pain while we hold their hands.

"Okay I want you to breath and then push... Okay I see the head now... Okay now push... " Irene and Seul said.



"Okay okay rest first then push again... "


We heard a loud cries. I cried seeing a baby boy for us same with Priya.

"Okay Jen.... I think the babies are running down fast... We need to deliver the others.... I want you to breath then pushh again.... " Irene said and she did. She squeezed my hand and push harder

"Diana, pushed I can see the head now... " Suelgi said

"ArghhhhhhhhhjhFuck!!! Lisa I will not let you touch me again!!!! "

"Arghhhhhhhhhhh Priya yung fucking fuck!!!!!!!!!! "

And another boy?!!! For me and girl for Priya. Oh gosh!

"Unnie, I'm getting tired... Oh gosh Lisa I will really kill you after this... " Jennie said weakly. I just wipe her sweats and kiss her to calm her nerves.

"Jen, we have one last one.... Let's do it... Okay push... " Irene unnie said and Jennie push so hard


Finally we have a baby girl. Jennie passed out same with Diana. I was about to congratulate Priya.

"Where's Priya, Seul? " I asked her but she's holding her laughter.

"She pffttt she passed out when I delivered the 2nd baby. " She said and I face palmed. I told her to calm down. Aishhh

After some time, they were transferred to private room. My wife must be so exhausted from giving birth of 3 babies.

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