Missing You

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Lisa POV

It pains me that my own daughter called me a cheater and It hurts me more that they look down on me for something I never did. I was crying to my sister and mom's embrace when....

"Unnie!" The kids shouted and I saw Lia is running outside. Shit!

"Lia.... Lia.... No... " I said and run after her. She's like a cheetah and run faster than me. Priya runs with me.

We stopped for a moment as I was breathing heavy. I look at her as she dissapear in my sight.

"Priya, please run after her. I will get back to the house and get my car. I will call the security to block the gate. " I said and she nod while we catch our breath.

I run back the house and see Mom walking back and forth.

"Mom... " I called her. I saw her shocked

"Where's Lia? Have you get her? " She asked with her worried face.

"Mom, we will run after her. Please look after the kids and Jennie for me. We will get back with Lia. " I said and hug my mom. I called the gate guard to close the gate temporarily and my body guards to secure the whole villagr and look for my daughter. My heart is beating so fast. I get one of my sports car and drive across the village. I saw Priya struggling in the road side. I went near her and found her bleeding.

"Priya.... What happened? " I asked her and I saw her side is bleeding...

"Lisa.... They get Lia..... Arghhh run after that fucking black van... " She said. Fucking shit!

"What?! But wait we have to go to the nearest hospital. You're bleeding.. " I said but she shook her head.

"No... No... Don't mind me... Save your daughter now fucking go!!! " She pushed me so I have no choice but to ask my body guards to send Priya to the hospital and I drove to look for that fucking black van.

Fuck! How will I know that car! I was driving so fast, I can't see any van here. I went outside the village and drive across the area. Fuck! Momo will definitely visit me for making our daughter in danger. Arghhh!

I kept looking around and found no trace of the black van. I asked my investigator to look for the village's CCTV and around the area. Fuck! This making me crazy. I just met her and this happened. Lia baby please be safe for me...


I was hurt for seeing my Dada received so much hate from her daughter. It's all my fault. I should have not go here. When I saw them busy, I run away ignoring anyone who called me. I heard Dad run after me but I'm faster than her since I joined triathlon before.

I keep running. I don't know where will I go. I have no one with me. I was shocked when Uncle Priya saw me. I try to run but she hugs me.

"Lia... Please don't make this hard for your Dada and yours" She said and hugs me tightly. I cried when I felt her warmth hug. This the only thing I'm asking for.... I just want someone to be with me and I thought I could get that to Dada but no I can't.. Her family will surely hate me and her if I stay. I pushed Uncle lightly.

"Uncle... Sorry but I will just leave for Dada's sake. " I said and she shook her head

"No... You don't have too. Your Dada loves you... She's actually running after you... " She said. I was about to say something when someone cover my eyes and I heard Uncle's groan in pain.

"Uncle... Uncle!!!! " I shouted but someone cover my nose and I lost my consciousness.

I wake up with throbbing pain in my head. Arghhh! I looked around and found that I was in unfamiliar bedroom. Where am I? I was shocked when someone kick the door. It was a man in her 40s? He looks familiar to me. Wait? Is he? Oh no..... No....

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