Manoban's Sadness

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Jennie POV

I cannot wait another more minute. I have to see my husband.

"Make a way to land this plane. I need to get there as soon as possible. " I ordered the flight attendant.

"Right away, Mrs. Manoban. "

I have to be there. I have to see Lisa now.

After some hours, the plane landed to Korea. I immediately asked Jisoo Unnie to get a car for me. I barely sleep in the plane as I think to Lisa the whole flight.

EL MNB Medical Center

In just a split of minutes, I arrived in the hospital where my husband is currently fighting for his life. I went to the information to ask for my husband.

"Mrs.Mamoban, she's in the intensive unit as of this moment. " The receptionist said. I almost stumbled in my feet after hearing that statement. I immediately went there and saw Jisoo Unnie, Rose and Ella outside the ICU.

I walked closely and saw my wife in the glass window full of tubes and has oxygen. I finally breakdown when I can't kept my tears anymore.

"Lisa~~~ honey~~~" I said while crying so hard.

"Mommy! "

"Jendueki! "

"Jennie Unnie~~"

They catch me when I felt so weak that even standing was so hard. No no no Lisa please be strong for us....

"What happened to her? Please tell me cause I cannot think what will I do?! " I said while I'm crying. Ella hug me tightly and Rose patting my back while Unnie support me not to fall cause I really feel like I lose my strength after seeing Lisa in the ICU.

"Jen, the operation is successful. She had a head injury but her doctor said that she needs to have observations because after the operation, she got comatose. " Unnie said calmly to me.

"Mommy, I am really sorry this is all my faut. I should have think before I smashed someone and I am really dumb to realize that it was dad. " Ella said and tightly hug me while crying. She put all the blame on herself.

I shook my head. "No baby, you just did what is right. You protect them. It's all accident. " I stopped crying and hold my tears. I said those words to Ella and kiss her tears. She's too young to be in this situation.

When I regain my streangth, I went to the lab gown area so I can go near Lisa.

I come near her and hold her hand.

"Honey~~~ I'm already here... Please wake up now~~~" I said and cry again. I hate seeing Lisa like this. This is the least thing I wanted to see.

"You promised, you'll stay with me. Wake up now hon~~~ please don't leave me.. You know I can't see my life without you. " I said.

"Please be strong to us okay? I know you can hear me. I love you so much honey~~~" I said and kiss her hands as I was restricted to come near her head.

I can't still process that my husband is here. I just have some date with her in Paris. I should have disagreed to her to grant my wish. I should be with her that time, naybe this will not happened.

Jisoo POV

We saw how my sister broke down and It pains me too to see her this way. I hope they will surpass this problem.

It's already 2am and we didn't sleep as we wait outside the OR and I kept checking Jennie since she's in Paris.

"Ella, go home with your Aunt Rosie. You barely sleep today come on. I will just drive your mom home as soon as your gandma came here. " I said to Ella cause she seems so tired right now.

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