Day 3 without Mommy

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Rose POV

Oh thank God! Lisa is on her way back for the kids. But I'm still curious what happened and Jennie Unnie stay in Paris after something happened to her.

It's already afternoon and I let the kids play with Jeongyeon and Jisoo unnie while I help Ella for her art project.

"Tata Rose, thank you for taking care of us!" She said and handed me the origami roses that she made already. Aww how sweet!

"Aww thank you so much Ella baby~~ you know I look at all of you as my own child. " I said and gave her warm hugs and kisses.

"We're lucky that Dada have you as the best of friends. I know this is difficult for you Tata. I know how you are busy to enjoy your single life but then you dedicate your whole time to look after us. Thank you Tata. I love you. " She said and hug me tightly.

"Yah! Why are you so sweet? You're making Tata cry. " I said and I finally released the tears that I'm holding.

"You know how happy I am when your Dada finally found someone which is your mom. Then you came unexpectedly but gave us hope to bind us in love. I was lucky to be your Godmother and all of your siblings. You know I never felt lonely when you guys born. " I said while trying to keep my tears. I looked down and see Ella cried.

"I love you Tata. I will always be. " She said that melt my heart.

It's still vivid to my memories when Ella came to her young parents and look after her when they are both busy. We shared all the silliness and naughtiness during her younger years when she has no siblings.

"I missed this bonding of us. Do you remember when we go camping outside your home? Hahaha because your parents are busy studying and wants you to just stay at home? " I said and laugh. She nod happily.

"Yes Tata, hahaha we also do some DIY marshmallow bbq but end up burning it. " She said and gave me a gummy smile just like her mom. After that we remained silent while she looked at the origami that we made.

"Hmm I never asked you this but Is there a time that you just want to be the only child? I mean you have a lot of siblings? Hahaha" I suddenly asked and she gave me a half smile.

"Some times Tata but as I see them, It makes me more happy that we have this big family and loving parents. There are times I really beg Dada to stop her making mom pregnant but I guess she's right, the more the merrier. I love them Tata just like I love you too. " She said and smile to me.

"Aww I love you to Ella baby~~ let's go and help Aunt Chittip cooking your favorite chicken bbq. " I said and we jumped in joy and went down stairs.


Lisa POV

I landed to Korea at 12 midnight. I just informed Somi to book me a private car so I will not bother anyone  and surprise them that I am back. I only informed Rosie that I will be back tonight.

It's almost 1 am when I came home. Good thing I brought my duplicate key to the gate and the door and just used my finger print in the main door.

I carefully bring my things not to wake anyone when someone hit my head. Oh gosh!! That's fucking hurt!! I was about to smash the face of the culprit when she opened the lights.

"Dada?! "Ella said was so shocked to see me but I was more shocked when I see the hard metal that she smashed on me. I did not hear what she's saying and my vision blocked out.

Ella POV

I went downstairs when I saw my water jar in my mini ref here empty.

I was busy drinking water when I heard steps coming inside. I felt nervous because I was alone here. I went to my dad's baseball bath storage and get one. I ready myself and was about to come upstairs when I saw the shadow of a human coming up. Oww gosh! My siblings and my tata is in danger. I did not hesitate and smashed the head of the culprit. But I was shocked when I heard that voice. I immediately opened the lights and Oh gosh!!!

"Dada?! " I shouted when I realized that I smashed my Dada'd head and shocks! Its bleeding. I don't know what to do but before I think of something my dad became unconscious. Oh gosh!!!

"Tata!!!! Oh gosh Dada I'm really sorry. Dada don't leave me. Waahhh Tata help us. " I cry so hard and called them.

"Ella what---- LISAYAH WHAT HAPPENED TO HER? " Tata Rose said and immediately came down stairs. I cannot utter any words and just left their holding the bleeding head of my dad.

Tata Jisoo went down stairs as well. We immediately drove Dada in the nearest hospital while I hold her head and Tata Rose is with me while Tata Jisoo is driving.

"Dada, I'm really sorry waaaahhh. Please don't leave us. " I cried while Carresing her cheeks and cry harder.

"Shhh Ella she's will be okay. She's strong I know your dada won't leave you. " Tata said while holding my back.

I cannot think properly and just cried. We arrived in the hospital and everyone is shocked to see my dada bleeding, yes we owned this hospital and everyone knows us.

"Please save my dada Doc please don't let her leave us. " I plead to the doctor who's checking my dad.

"We will do our very best Ms. Manoban. For now, let's pray nothing serious happened to her. Please excuse us. " She said and leave us.

I lose my strength and knell while crying. Tata Rose and Jisoo holds me. This is all my fault, Dada will not be here if I just be more careful to think properly when I smashed the baseball bath. Dada please don't leave us. I cannot leave without you.

Jennie POV

I was sleeping soundly when I heard my phone ringging. I checked the time and fuck it's just 1pm.I slept that long after our shipping spree. I saw the caller ID and it's Jisoo Unnie. I immediately answered.

"Hello Unnie~~" I greet her

"Ahm Jennie where are you? Do you happened in a safe place? " Jisoo Unnie asked. Huh? She knows I'm in Paris why suddenly asked me this?!

"Unnie~~ do you have amnesia? You know I'm in Paris and Lisa just deployed guards all over my place so yeah I am completely fine here in her penthouse. Now mind if you tell me why you suddenly asked those questions? " I asked and I heard her sigh.

"Jen, please calm down and listen to me okay? " She said

"Yah! You're making me nervous. What really happened? " I asked this feel not good.

"Jen, Lisa is in the hospital she's currently under operations. Your daughter Ella accidentally smashed the baseball bath to her since she thought someone barge in to the house. Please be calmed Jenduekie and come back here. " She said and I barely understand what she just said. I did not noticed that I am crying. Lisa? Fuck no?! Please no no

"Unnie~~ please tell me it's a joke. Come on unnie April fools was done." I said and hoping that she will say so but I heard her cry. I weakly kneel and cry. No no no. Lisa?!

"Unnie.... Please... Look after the kids. I will be back. " I said weakly and dropped the call. I cry so hard thinking my husband is in the hospital.

Lisa please be strong for us, for your kids and for me love. I cannot live without you. I said and break down.

I booked the earliest flight that I could have. I cannot stop crying so everyone is looking at me worriedly. I don't care cause I can only think of Lisa right now. Oh God please save my husband....


Thanks for continously reading this! Please bare with one chapter a day haha I am really busy at work. K? Byeee


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