The Legal Wife

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Someone's POV

How the hell she married that girl?! She is legally married to me. Arghhhh! I have to know what the hell happened to Priya.

It was clearly stated that I married him legally and I am Mrs. Manoban. I have to know what the hell is happening.

I called my dear father about Priya and that bitch she have righ now.


"Oh dear, what's the matter? Have you found your shitty husband? "

"Dad! Stop telling that to him. You know I love him. I have to tell you about her. "

"What is it? Spill my dear. "

"I saw her here in Jeju and she's with the other girl. You know what makes me mad is she's denying that she is my husband and even run to that bitch girl that she's with. "

"She's with the girl? Perhaps Is this girl has a cat-like eyes and like a tiger if she's angry? "

"I'm not sure. But Priya seems tense seeing her. She's smaller woman with small face."

"Ohh It must be Jennie. Hahaha Lisa has been awake. I see"

"Dad what are you taking about? Who's Lisa and how are so sure that It was Jennie? Do you know them? "

"Oh dear I know both of them. They are my favorite people......................... To die. "

"Dad, what the heck are you saying? Don't tell me It's about mommy's case again. "

"I don't care what you say. They get a life from us and I will do the same. I have to go byee. "

"WTF! Dad!!! Arghhh"

What the hell is happening here. Shit! I will never let my dad's hand make a bloody works again. Not in my sight!!! Shit! Priya where the hell are you now?! I need you so bad. I breakdown while holding my 4 month old baby bump. I can't take this alone without her.

Someone's POV

The hell that Momo! She lied to me and that Manoban is kicking alive. I called my hitman.

"V, finished her and kill her daughter in front of her. I want a video while she's dying in pain. " I ordered him and hung up.

No one can mess up with me not on my watch. When I say clean up, do it before the bullet comes on you.

You fucking get a precious life to me Manoban then might as well pay me with someone's life that you cherish. I will make sure no one can continue your fucking name.

"Boss, Madam CL confirmed that Manoban is alive. The couple are in Jeju few steps from where your daughter is. "

"That fuckers! Where's Manoban's kids? "

"They are under her friends care. The house seems under protected by security. "

"Tss what the hell! How about the couple? "

"They are on VIP room. Limited access to get near them but no body guards and security are with them. "

"Good! Now get that Manoban... "

"What about her wife sir? "

"Tss bring her to me and if she fight then kill her. "

"Copy sir. "

I smile in victory. Just have a sleep tight Manoban. I will meet your favorite Lalisa Manoban.... Too bad her twin is nowhere to be found....

Jennie POV

"Hun.... "Lisa called me while she's in metal chain full of bruises all over her body.

" Hun.... What happened to you? "I asked her but she shook her head.

" No no go... Run honey. Don't look back. "She said with her worried eyes.

" What are you saying? I will not leave without you. "I said and starts to cry.

I was shocked when someone shot Lisa in the head.

" NO! LISAAAAA" I shouted and I wake up from that terrible dream.

"Hey what happened? Are you okay? " She asked me and I cried seeing her.

She hugs me tightly. "Please don't leave me. Please stay safe with me. " I said while crying.

"Hey I will never do that. Shhh It's okay.... I'm here. " She said trying to calm me.

"I'm so scared loosing you. Please be safe always hun~~~" I said while sobbing.

"Let's... ask Greg to look over us.... I'm so scared someone might hurt you. " I said and she nod to me. That dreams seem so real to me that I cannot sleep again knowing Lisa might be hurt. I cannot see her again lying in the hospital....

Lisa called Greg and other bodyguards to roam around our area just to make sure that we are really safe. I have to be so sure that we are safe because our children are waiting for us.


This is just a short update hihi

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