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Jennie POV

I felt scared the moment I saw that child. She look exactly Lisa. I thought that maybe she's her sister but no, she's not. I felt all the fears inside me explode when I heard that she's her daughter... I felt betrayed for a moment... I can't explain but I feel hurt... So much pain in my chesk..... Why Lisa..... Why???

"Unnie~~~" Rosie caress my back as I continue to sob.

"Rosie, am I not enough? Do you think  I deserve thisthis? " I asked while crying and she just embrace me.

"Unnie..... I don't know why Lisa have to do that... I really don't.... But I know you have to hear her side. " She said but I continue to cry. I can't explain but It's too much painful for me to know that Lisa has other child.

"I gave her everything Rose.... Everything even my heart and soul. I gave her what she wants whenever she needs me..... Why? Why do I have to feel this way? " I said and she hummed. I can't bear this.

"Unnie.... I'm sorry you have to feel that way but you have to calm yourself... Remember you are pregnant? " She said and I caress my small bump.

"Rest first then let's talk about it later okay? " She said and I just nod. I was about to sleep when we heard the twins cried.

"I'll get the babies. Wait me here. " She said and get baby Avery and Priya.

"Ma-Ma" Avery called me and crawl to me. I felt emotional and cried while embracing my baby. Priya also went to me.

"They must know you need that hug. " Rose said and gave me a half smile. Avy and Priya tug my blouse so I lift my shirt so I can breastfeed them. Rosie support the twins as they are laying at my chest while latching on me. I tap their butt. Rosie sing 'Part of the World' so they will sleep. She is really a living Disney Princess Voice.

I also felt sleeping so when Avery and Priya sleep I let them rest in both of my sides while I sleep with tears on my eyes.

Lisa POV

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Lisa POV

I peak to our room and found my wife  with Baby Avery and Priya. I removed Priya from his mom so he will not fall while I assure that they have pillows on side. I saw the dried tears to my wife's face. She really cried so hard. Avery woke up from my movement and starts to ask me to lift her up.

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