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Lisa POV

I want to fucking fly so quickly in Paris the moment I saw that asshole's post.

"Guard Mrs. Manoban right now and locate her. " I sternly order my body guards located in paris. I let them stay with Jennie when she went to Paris. I secretly guard her to make sure she's safe.

"Madam, Mrs. Manoban went with a guy inside her room. She's unconscious. " My guard reported that made me clench my 👊 because of anger.

"Do something or I'll fucking fired all of you. Don't you dare let that man touch my wife or you are all dead. " I said angrily.

3rd Person POV

Now this is a time for some spice Manoban.

A man in black suit secretly recorded Jennie's footage inside her room while the guy is trying to do something on her.

Lisa POV

I cant stop thinking about my wife. Fuck! Jennie make yourself safe! Few minutes after my body guard called me.

"Madam~~ we already captured the man. He tried to rape Mrs. Manoban. We send her to jail and is under investigation. Mrs. Manoban is still unconscious and brought to hospital due to too much intoxication of marijuana. " He said that made me so angry.

"Okay.Blocked all the social media and reporters report about this matter" I said and I dropped the call. Fuck! What just happened?

"Get the fucking plane landed on Paris right now. " I calmly said to stewardes while giving the intimidating monotone.

"Right away, Madam"

As soon as the plane landed, I went to the hospital.

"Mrs.Jennie Ruby Jane Kim-Manoban" I said to the information and they were shocked to see me. Yeah! I owned this hospital that's why

"Madam, she's currently resting in VVIP room 329." She said and I immediately went there with my bodyguards.

I found Nayeon outside while walking back and fort. There she is!

"Stay away from my wife. " I said that made her shocked.

"Lisa? Oh gosh I'm so sorry I didn't ----" I cut her off when I said hurtful words.

"Don't you know a word mature? You just made a mother of 7 almost lost her because of your fucking influence. Don't fucking denied it so get lost. " I said and I went inside. I was really angry because my wife was about to get rape and was fucking intoxicated.

I found her sleeping and Irene Unnie is with her while holding her hands.

"Lisa~~~I'm sorry I went too late. " Unnie said ang cry while holding Jennie's hand and rubbing it.

"Unnie, It's not your fault. We don't want her to be in that position. " I said and I weakly smile to her. It's almost 1pm and I barely sleep that's why I was so weak.

"Lisa, rest here besides her. You looked so tired. I am very sorry I trusted Nayeon to her let me deal with that brat while you are resting with your wife. " She said and I nod.

I sit in the chair besides her and cares her forehead before I landed some kisses.

"I thought I'm gonna lose you Hun~" I said and a tear left on my eyes. Because of I was exhausted from taking care of the kids, no sleeps and flying a rushed 13 hour flight. I feel like sleeping so I put my head in my arm as my pillow besides my wife's bed.

Jennie POV

I was awaken by a headaches and felt the needle on my skin. When I opened my eyes, I was shocked that I'm in the hospital. I roamed my eyes and made me shocked to find my husband sleeping soundly besides me while holding my hand and siting uncomfortably in the chair.

OMG! What happened? I just remembered that I was talking to Mr. Wang about his family's celebration and wants me to be their personal chef in the celebration. Oh gosh! What happened? Why do I have dextrose?

I was startled when my wife spoke.

"Oh you're awake? How are you? " She said in a cold tone. Oh no more sweet kiss and good morning?

"Hun, good morning~ why are you here? " I said and was about to kiss her when she dodge it.

"You're breakfast is here. You can eat now. " She said averting my eyes on the tray full of foods. I was emotional this time cause I know she's mad at me.

"Don't you dare cry Jennie and Eat we will talk after. " She said coldly to me. Wow and now only Jennie? I just obey her or else I will really cry because of her coldness.

We finished eating without talking. It's weird not to be clingy or receiving any sweet words from her.

"Now tell me what happened so I can understand this mess. " She said that made me gulp. I thought I will tell her this after my one week vacation, this is too soon.

"Okay ahmm where do I start? I actually agreed to Nayeon's plan to have vacation here she promised me to gift the limited edition Chanel Bag that I forgot the release date. Then she dragged me to the club and there I met Mr. Jackson Wang. We talked about business and purely about his family. He wanted to hire me as their chef in the upcoming event which I agree so I can really went here for work. Then we had a few drinks and.... There I don't know that happened. "I nervously said because I saw Lisa clenching het fist.

She remains silent for a while before saying something that made my heart shattered.

" You what? You came here for that fucking chanel bag Jennie? And what? fucking drink with a man? Do you realize how worried am I to you while I took care of our kids? Don't act like a whore trying to get laid! "She angrily said and I was really hurt on her last statement and slap her hard.

" How dare you call me whore? When I only think of you and our kids! "I shouted to her and cry hard.

" You should have think of your actions. Do you know that fucking Wang drug you and was about to rape you! Or you just wanted it?! "She said and I gave her another slapped. She's too much!! I was hurting

" Get out of here if you will just insult me."I said while my tears keeps pouring. She opened the door harshly and went out. I cry so hard when she left. I never felt this kind of pain for 12 years that I live with her.

I know I made a mistakes and It's hurting to be called a whore by your husband.

Lisa POV

I was so angry right now. I called my assistant Somi to look after my papers and schedule. I also informed Rosie that I will stay in Paris for a while.

I don't know but It's hurting me to see her crying and also hurting me she just lied to me. I went to my penthouse here in Paris and drown myself in alcohol.


Hahaha how was it? Enjoy reading!


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