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Adhirene POV

I received a call from my brother, informing me that his best friend had fallen ill with a fever and needed someone by his side. Initially, I hesitated, unsure of what to do. However, deep down, I wanted to see him again. His captivating eyes had stayed with me throughout the week, reminding me of his presence. But I soon realized that he was someone beyond my reach, like a distant star that couldn't be touched by someone like me. Despite these conflicting thoughts, I gathered my courage and packed some clothes.

My brother sent me the address to his friend's villa, which happened to be in one of the wealthiest areas. For some unknown reason, I felt nervous as I approached the door. With a quick blink, I found myself standing in front of it. Tentatively, I knocked, waiting anxiously for him to answer. When he opened the door, I immediately noticed his tired and weak appearance. Nevertheless, he stood there with a smile and warmly greeted me, saying, "Welcome home." I couldn't comprehend why he was happy, but I dismissed my delusional thoughts.

He apologized, saying, "I'm sorry if I'm inconveniencing you. I don't have any staff here to help; they come and go once a week. I'm quite busy, so I won't be doing much around here." Nervously, I replied, "That's perfectly fine. I'm just happy to see you again."

--------------------------------------"Mark's best friend POV"---------------------------------------------

A smile uncontrollably spread across my face as he entered my house. The mere thought of him being here made my heart race. If I were some kind of animal, I would have claimed him as mine, not allowing anyone else to have him. But I didn't want to become a possessive beast that he would come to hate, unless someone tried to take him away from me.

"I'm actually fine," I said, "but I felt lonely in this situation, so please make yourself comfortable."

He went to change into something more comfortable, and I suggested watching a movie at home. He agreed, and we settled in.

I won't deceive him or myself. I planned all of this with one intention: to let him know how I feel. My story will never be like those fictional tales, as I am a real person. Proposing with diamonds and expensive gifts was never my style, because obtaining rare gems for him was never a challenge. The difference between real characters and fictional ones is that we have real-life obstacles to deal with. It's not necessarily some grand trauma, accident, or breakup that becomes the major hurdle; it's simply us, humans. Falling in love may be a simple feat, but sustaining that love requires unwavering dedication. The true hurdle lies in baring one's soul, revealing the depths of our authentic selves. I am acutely aware that this will inevitably become a formidable trial in my own life

After some time, he returned, and I gave him a quick tour of my home. One thing I adore about this charming individual is his perpetual cheerfulness, a quality I lack. His infectious smile has the power to captivate anyone, but it also has the ability to unsettle my steadfast heart. Initially, he seemed a bit shy as we settled down to watch the movie. We engaged in random conversations here and there, and he gradually grew more comfortable in my presence. As the movie reached its conclusion, he turned to me and asked, "Can I ask you something?" I replied, "Sure, why not?"

"Do you have someone in your life? I apologize if this is too personal," he inquired. I responded, "What privacy is there in that? I'm sure I'm an eligible bachelor in this country." This elicited laughter from him. He paused for a moment and then continued, "I know you might think I'm saying something foolish or even be offended, but I believe I have fallen in love with you."

 In a state of confusion, I abruptly stood up. He began to cry, realizing he had said something he shouldn't have. Snapping back to reality, I knelt in front of him, took his hands in mine, and said, "You certainly know how to shake up my world." He didn't grasp my attempt at humor and continued to cry, his tears accompanied by hiccups. In that moment, I acted on impulse, gently kissing his temple while still holding his hair. Surprised, he looked at me, and I declared, "You may think you have fallen in love with me, but I am absolutely certain that you were the one and only person for me from the moment I laid eyes on you". and i continued" Now, take responsibility for the day you hurt me with your bicycle." I maintained a serious expression as I spoke. He burst into laughter, his tears mingling with his mirth. 

It was then that I realized he embodied serenity, and he was the epitome of serenity itself. "I love you, Serene," I declared, giving him a new name different from the one his parents bestowed upon him. To them, he may be Adhirene, but to me, he is SERENE.


now you know adhirene and serene are the one person,whats your comment.

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