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"Everything was going very well, as if it were some kind of illusion. My company was thriving, and my sweet family of four was even happier. The girls I saved were safe and sound," thought Serene to himself.

 Recently, I discovered that one of the girls I saved is pregnant with the son of Cabana Ltd's director. She is the most beautiful girl. I became suspicious of the incident, and although it was resolved easily, I knew it wasn't as simple as I thought. However, I had no way to prove anything. Even the intimacy between the girl and her baby wasn't consensual. But if I were to expose this matter, I doubt her safety. So, I decided to work on it secretly. It might take some time, but I will surely expose these scums. 

 She wanted to settle down on her own, even though I offered to take care of her. Since she is older than most of the other girls I saved, I asked her how she was the only elder among the young girls. She revealed that she spent most of her days being tortured by the director, who was the reason they kept her with them. He had been harassing her since she was young, but he never went all the way. Sometimes, he would lock her up all day and make her live naked. However, when she came of age, he continuously molested and raped her. He even said to her that he would make her his side chick, as he planned to marry a rich girl. After hearing all this, I realized he was obsessed with her, but a perverted bastard who made her go through hell for a very long time. She had already lost her will to live, but she continued for the sake of the baby.As she was interested in drawing, I asked her to pursue webtoon drawing. Since she was talented with some guidance she got the grip on it easily, I introduced her to a job that paid decently. Additionally, the apartment she stayed in was owned by Sean.so there was no much of expenses to her. Everything was going very well.

Since I didn't have much work, I decided to visit her and surprise her. I even took my little prince charming with me, as baby sean was being taken care of by Sean's parents. I rang the doorbell, but nobody answered, so I called her and she asked me to wait inside as she had some minor work to do. I let myself into the hall, and Ken started playing around the house, as there were lots of toys bought for the baby. His cuteness always brightened my day.

Suddenly, I noticed my phone ringing. It was Sean calling, asking about our whereabouts and offering to pick us up. I told him I loved him, and something within me felt strange, so I asked him how much he loved me. I hugged Ken and asked him how much he loved me. With his chubby cheeks and muffled biscuits in his mouth, he said he loved me more than his papa and mama. For a moment, my heart was irrationally happy, but I knew my brother would sulk if he found out.

We were sitting in the room when I heard someone trying to open the door. I knew it was her, so I asked Ken to hide inside the wardrobe. Knowing how naughty he could be, I made him promise not to come out until I asked him to. I wanted to surprise her with his presence, especially since she was expecting a child soon. As soon as he went inside, I heard a voice saying, "I know you're inside, you little bitch. Don't make me wait, you despicable creature. Come out this instant." A voice filled with disgust called out the tenant . The approaching footsteps sent shivers down Serene's spine. "I warned you not to toy with me. You can never escape from me," he sneered. I quickly hid under the bed. That man said, "You thought somebody could save you from my clutches? Did you think that lowly bitch Serene could save you? What an idiot you are. Everything went his way only because that bastard Sean was by his side. He was lucky, but not you. Nobody will know about you from today onwards, so don't make me catch you. Come out." Upon hearing this, I realized that even if he wasn't here for me, things might go wrong at this moment. I tried to reach for my phone, which was on the bed, but I was very scared. That's when I heard someone say, "I caught you." I saw a pair of disgusting eyes staring straight at me, and then I was pulled out by two men.

I was aware that he was the son of the owner of Cabana Ltd. With a sarcastic tone, he exclaimed, "Look who's here. I came for someone else, but I managed to snare my primary target." I simply rolled my eyes, unimpressed. "Now I understand why that arrogant bastard is infatuated with another man. Look at those lips, fuller than a girl's," he added, holding my lips in his hand. "Your skin is even paler than any woman I've seen," he continued, touch my body. In response, I spat at him, which only seemed to annoy him further. He slapped me across the face, leaving me with a burning sensation. "Entertain us, Serene," he demanded, but I glared at them defiantly. He instructed the person restraining me to undress me. Seizing the opportunity, I struck them in their private area and hastily retreated into the room, attempting to lock the door. Unfortunately, I was captured once again. Desperate to escape their clutches, I fought back, but then I felt a sharp object pierce my right thigh, causing me to scream in agony. "You little bitch, attempting to run away. I gave you a chance, but you ruined it," he sneered. Unfazed, I retorted, "Do you think I'm your pawn? I would rather die than be your source of amusement," and I retaliated by kicking him with my uninjured leg. This only served to further enrage him.

My sole aim was to divert his attention from noticing the slightly ajar wardrobe. I caught sight of my beloved prince watching me, his expression filled with fear and perhaps tears, as he covered his mouth. I felt a wave of relief, knowing he had heeded my request to remain hidden, and I could potentially save three lives before my own demise.

He forcefully pulled my hair and demanded, "I'll ask you one last time, Serene. I don't have time for games. Don't you yearn for life?" He continued, "Why won't you plead for mercy like all the others? Here's my offer: I'll grant you the chance to beg, and maybe, just maybe, I'll spare your life." I burst into boisterous laughter for two reasons. Firstly, because Ken cannot  comprehend the true situation, and I wanted him to hear my laughter to provide some solace. Secondly, I aimed to enrage these wretches further.

"Did you genuinely believe I would stoop to begging like the rest? I will never be reduced to their level. I know that even if I were to plead, you would still end my life," I boldly declared, which prompted him to swiftly stab me in the stomach. As they subjected me to excruciating torture, I endured the pain. I reminisced about all the precious moments, allowing a smile to grace my face as these memories flooded my mind, refusing to let my dignity be trampled beneath their feet. I recalled my husband, who remained handsome and kind after all these years. I remembered my baby, still so small, with his tender embraces and cries. I thought of my dear Ken, feeling remorseful that he had to endure all this because of me. Deep in my heart, I bid farewell to all my loved ones. 

Just half an hour earlier, I had asked Sean how much he loved me, and he replied with such fervor, claiming he would die for me at any given moment. In return, I implored him to live on for our two precious children. He affectionately called me a fool. I wondered if this would be our final parting.

They left me lying in a pool of my own blood, fully aware that my time was drawing near. I found solace in the fact that I would depart this world with my dignity intact. One last time, I caught a glimpse of my baby hidden within the wardrobe. He may have lost consciousness, as his figure appeared less distinct than before.

With a heavy heart, I bid farewell to everyone.

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