High on Sweetness: Ink

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(I apologize in advance for my bad puns. Over four years in this fandom and my puns have not improved. They're not as bad as the rock one though.)

"Well, that was weird," Ink groaned, sitting up and rubbing his head. His skull pounded after having Nightmare inside it and his ribs throbbed a dull ache. The artist looked around and realized the Villain Sans Squad was gone, thank the stars. He felt tempted to lie back and nap for a while, watching the fluffy clouds pass through the blue sky. As soon as Nightmare left, the atmosphere cleared up. Birds were singing and flowers were blooming. Hopefully, laying back would clear the fog in his mind.

"Ink?" Dream kneeled down next to him. He had a concerned look in his golden eye lights. "Are you feeling okay? Nightmare's influence can leave . . . scars on people."

"Never better." Thanks to the positivity magic still making him feel warm and fuzzy, Ink was only half sarcastic. Hate and anger didn't burn through him anymore, which was a plus. But he was still pissed that the octopus played him like one of Error's dolls. Why him out of the three? Why wouldn't Nightmare go after his brother when he was standing right there?

Blue joined them with blue stars in his eye sockets. His energy hammer was gone, snapped away now that there was no danger. "Mweh, that was easy! I expected them to fight harder! But are you two alright?"

Dream looked up and nodded. "For the most part, we're good. The mission was a success, no one died, the Villain Sans Squad is gone, and the AU is safe. The one negative was that Nightmare messed with Ink's emotions and forced him to fight me." He turned back to Ink. "Are you okay?"

Ink snorted. "Yeah, I'm fine. You worry a lot for the 'embodiment of positivity'. Sometimes I wonder if you're actually who you say you are and not a hoax."

Offended, Dream crossed their arms, stammering. "How dare you! I am not a hoax!" He stuck his tongue out. Despite his efforts, Ink laughed harder. Blue repressed a smile but gave up fast. Even Dream dropped the angry facade and smiled with his trademark giggle. They all broke down laughing, needing a bit of group positivity after the battle.

The Star Sanses were so distracted that they didn't notice the human child flying above. One of their white feathers fell on Ink's scarf, which is what finally made him realize they were there. They had brownish auburn hair, a baby blue sweater stripped with gray, and a pair of black goggles on their head. Their huge smile looked even larger with their closed eyes, or at least what appeared closed.

"Hey, kid!" Ink shouted up, "How's it going?"

The human zoomed down a skeleton from the sky joined them. He had raven-colored goggles, which matched his jacket and wings pretty well. His only pop of color was an electric blue turtleneck. The two bird monsters blew up dust from the ground as they landed.

"Now that was an emu-sing battle." Aviar winked, blowing dust from his goggles. The human's smile faded in seconds. Aviar laughed. "Lark says thank you. We got the rest of the monsters out of danger and they insisted on watching the fight."

"It was no problem," Blue said through gritted teeth as his left eye socket twitched. "I'm glad you're all safe."

"That's what we do. Protect you guys and make sure everything goes to your Creator's vision. And this AU doesn't involve skeleton killers. And if does, then oh well. You're all screwed." Ink shrugged. He stared at their unamused expressions. Lark signed something with their hands that he didn't think was friendly. "What? I don't make the rules around here."

"Anyways," Aviar coughed as he changed the subject, "I don't know about your schedule, but I'm free for a while. My next guard shift doesn't start for another two hours and I have to make up for slacking on the job. How about we go for nice cream? My treat."

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