A Night to Remember: Ribbon

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Ribbon worked on his new project. He figured out how to sew plushies and that became his new favorite thing to do. He worked on a bear. He was careful to sew the white star beads on, being sure not to prick himself. Sewing felt so normal and comforting.

Ribbon calmed down since the kidnapping and could finally relax. He didn't cling to Nightmare. Well, he did, but not as much. He got back onto his routine with chores, calm activities, and love time with Nightmare. Ribbon didn't even want to go outside because he was so scared of kidnapping.

Part of him heard the door open, but he was too focused on his project to register it. So hearing Nightmare's smooth voice startled him. "It looks lovely, Ribbon. You truly have talent."

Ribbon didn't expect Nightmare's voice and jumped. Nightmare chuckled. "I didn't mean to scare you, my apologies."

Ribbon pulled his string and chuckled. "It's okay, Nighty! What did you want to ask me?" He pulled the bows on the waistband to make sure it would stay.

Nightmare watched him, rubbing his pointer finger and thumb together. "I have a business exchange in Mafiatale. I bought . . . something special and he told me to pick it up at a masquerade ball he's attending. I want you to come with me, at least as an armpiece. There will be dancing and food, and it takes place at a nicely kept mansion."

"A party?" Ribbon looked up at Nightmare and set his supplies down. "But . . . I thought you didn't want me to be exposed to anyone."

"Only to people I don't like or trust. The monsters here I have more faith in. More, not entirely, but they won't kidnap you. And this is important. Very important, especially for you." Nightmare held a hand out for Ribbon to take.

Ribbon took his hand and stood up, looking into Nightmare's eye. He knew better than ever to turn down an order. He nodded, letting Nightmare caress his cheekbones. "Okay. Is there something in particular you want me to wear?"

Nightmare traced a hand down his body. "Nothing in particular, but I don't want your body to be too exposed. Cover up. Oh, and include bits of gold to match my outfit."

"Of course, Nighty!" Ribbon kissed his cheekbone. He had the perfect dress and necklace in mind. He was going to be so pretty for him!


Ribbon had never been in a limo before. Nightmare said he was able to get one because of his associate. Ribbon liked the feeling of the leather seats and the view of the buildings zooming past. He rested his head on his gloved hand, Blossom leaned against his leg. Mafiatale was scary and dark, but also really cool. The random gunshots kept making him jump. Nightmare chuckled each time. Probably because he knew nothing could harm Ribbon while he was in the limo with him.

When he wasn't looking out the window, Ribbon couldn't take his eye lights off Nightmare. His high-collared silk shirt was black bordering dark teal. Across the left part of his chest were gold swirls and stitched symbols. A gold sash started at his right shoulder and ended at his waist.

Meanwhile, Ribbon's outfit was the perfect mix of cutesy and fancy. He took Nightmare's advice and had very little of his body shown. It was a soft white gown with a lacey layer over the bodice and leggings. Tight at the top and flowy waist down. He wore silky white gloves reaching his shoulders. He wore a choker with gold details like Nightmare's outfit. Pinned to the back of his skull was a white bow.

Nightmare squeezed his gloved hand and kissed his cheek. "You look lovely, my little princess. It's a similar crowd to your show, they're going to love you."

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