Killer's Twisted Surprise: Dream

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"Dream, we got a letter!" Blue shouted.

Dream looked up from his book on the couch. He lay low so he could heal, as much as he didn't like it. But his friends all insisted, and he was still feeling ill, so he stayed in the Star Sans clubhouse. This was the most exciting thing that's happened since, but then he noticed something off. Blue usually sounded so much happier at receiving mail. But now he sounded like he had his death warrant.

Dream set their book aside and walked up to Blue, trying to look at the note in his hand. The letter was black with shiny red ink. It lacked the formality of Nightmare's handwriting and was instead scratchy and rough. It was the same font as one of a horror movie.

Blue took his glove off so he could stick his finger in and ripped the seal open. He threw the envelope down and picked up the small paper in it, red with a black border. He scanned through it and his eye lights disappeared; his determination slacked. "It's from Killer. Should I read it aloud? It's not very long."

Dream nodded and Blue cleared his throat, reigniting his eye lights and reading the note out loud:

Hey Star Shits,

Meet up with me tomorrow at 5 at the remains of Horrortale. I got some information and a present you're gonna want. It's about Ink. Trust me, if you care about your friend, you'll want to know. See you there!

~ Killer Rahafwabas, on behalf of Lord Nightmare Joku.

(P.S: Dream, your brother says hi and to throw yourself off a cliff)

Dream wasn't even offended by the last part of the note. The only bit that interested him was the part about Ink. What did he mean by a present? Given that the note was written by Killer, the vagueness was worrying. It could've been anything from saying Ink was alive and well, to being on the brink of death, to being . . . no, no, he wouldn't think that word. Whatever his brother did, it could and would be fixed.

"I know it might not be safe, but I'm going with," Dream said. He flicked his thumb against his balled fist.

Blue furrowed his browbones, looking at Dream with nervousness. He opened his mouth to argue, but he changed his mind before saying a word. "Alright. We need to be careful and have our weapons ready. Ink needs us!


Dream and Blue looked around the AU. Dream never liked Horrortale. It wasn't the monsters that scared him, or the constant danger lurking, or even the violence. No, it was because he pitied it. If it wasn't for the code and script, he would've saved these monsters a long time ago. Most of them were gone, crippled, and lost to starvation. Horror's brother was one of them. He heard he was eaten alive by a pack of hungry dogs.

Both Dream and Blue wore comfortable jackets to handle the below-zero cold. Even for skeletons, the wind bit at their cheeks and froze their hands. Snowdin didn't have many monsters still living in it, but the ones who did were bloodthirsty, feral. Dangerous. Like a certain skeleton they waited to meet.

Blue leaned against one of the tree trunks, blowing on his gloved hands to heat them. Dream wrapped part of their cape around him to keep him warmer. Blue smiled, but it slid as soon as a voice caught the Stars' attention.

"Sunshine and Blueberry! I am so glad you two got my letter and were able to join me. It would've been embarrassing if I came here for nothing." Killer said, teleporting from nowhere.

Dream loaded his bow and Blue summoned his hammer and floating bones. Killer spun the tip of his knife over his pointer finger, by miracle not cutting himself. Unlike the two of them, Killer didn't bother dressing for the weather. He wore his usual dark blue jacket, black turtleneck, and black shorts. The liquid hate stayed still on his cheekbones, likely frozen solid. Killer looked over at their weapons and sauntered closer. His red target soul glowed and twitched in excitement.

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