For Our Future: Nightmare

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(Content warnings: Domestic abuse, mad lab experiments, brief mention of suicidal ideation. I feel like I should have this tagged as something else but I don't know what.) 

"I see . . ." Nightmare copied the address down from the letter in his hand. He spoke to no one but himself. He wrote a list with his quill pen. "Perfect."

He finished the reservations for his and Ribbon's wedding. The venue would take place at an old chapel in Mafiatale. He toured the place recently to make sure everything was as expected, and it was. Ribbon liked it too, though he liked anything he did. The list was almost complete. Outfits, reception, catering, cake, photographers, florists, the guests, the vows, and the honeymoon. He even hired extra guards. Nightmare didn't want to risk his bride getting hurt or abducted. He couldn't have anything go wrong on this day, his wedding needed to be perfect. Nightmare wasn't interested in battle on his special day, especially for as much work as it was to set it up. Speaking of . . .

Nightmare looked around and tried to sense Ribbon's aura. He couldn't find him. Nightmare stood up and left his office. He couldn't help his apprehensive building. The dark king walked until he felt a nervous aura. It was difficult to believe that wasn't Ribbon. Not even Error's uneasiness was this extreme and he had been torturing him for over two months.

He followed the aura until he walked to the entrance of the castle and opened one of the massive doors. Nightmare looked down. Ribbon sat on the front steps of the castle. His chin rested on his palm as he stared into the distance, ignoring his fiancé behind him. His aura was a mix of emotions, dominated by anxiety. His other hand played with the skirt of his dress.

Nightmare sat next to him. His tendril rested on his hand and squeezed and Ribbon jumped. Nightmare smiled. "It's just me, no need to panic. Is something bothering you?"

Ribbon pulled his string and rubbed the charm. "Um, no. I'm okay, Nighty! I'm just a little sleepy . . ." Chuckling, he blushed and looked away. His permanent smile looked tense.

"No lying to me Ribbon, you know that's against the rules. And did you forget I could read emotions? I know you are dim-witted, but you're not that dim-witted." Nightmare pulled Ribbon closer to him, pushing his head onto his shoulder. He put one finger on his chin and made him look up. "You know you can tell me anything, right? I don't like seeing you this upset."

Ribbon bit his lower jaw and looked up with his soft lilac eyes. "Promise you won't get angry?"

"Depends if it will make me angry, I doubt it will."

"I don't think so, but I'm not sure . . ."

Nightmare sighed. "I promise I won't be angry at you. Now tell me what's bothering you. That's an order."

Ribbon rubbed his arms. "I'm scared. I have wedding jitters. I want to get married to you, I do! But I don't know. Marriage is a big thing and before I met you, it's something I never planned to do. What if I mess up? What if you don't like me as your wife? You deserve a perfect wedding and if I start stumbling over the vows or trip in the aisle-"

Nightmare raised his right hand. He worried Ribbon wanted to back out, which if he did, Nightmare would never allow. His tendrils stroked Ribbon's leg as he moved closer to him. "Ribbon, nervousness is a normal thing to feel and I'm not mad at you for it. If someone mocks you or hurts you, they'll lose their hands. I know how shy you are, it's one of the things I love about you. The only monster you will have to talk to is the officiator, you can stay silent for the whole reception. All you would have to do is smile and look adorable. And I have an exceptional plan for the honeymoon. But I won't tell you, it's a surprise."

The doll beamed. Nightmare planned to take Ribbon on a week-long cruise. No stress, no work, just the two of them spending time with each other. He'd take a hiatus from his multiversal destruction. He looked forward to having Ribbon in general, it felt . . . special, important.

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