Into the Castle of Night: Dream

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(Content warnings: Minor gore, mentions of smoking, mentions of torture)

Dream, Cross, Blue, Epic, Core, and Error met up in Undertale. The original AU was uninfected by the corruption, hop. Whether it be from hope or something else, Dream didn't believe it was spreading across AUs. But it was. The pressure and stakes pushing on his shoulders wanted to shove him to the ground. Millions of innocent souls would lose their way of life if he failed.

Error waited against a cave wall encased in snow. He watched the residents of Snowdin go about their business, unaware of their stalker. Undertale's Sans and Papyrus battled in a snowball fight with Frisk. Error's aura was nostalgic, but that changed as soon as he saw the group. "Well, you guys took long enough. We're running out of time."

Dream grimaced. He didn't sleep well the previous nights as he kept having nightmares of everything that could go wrong. The first was the team slowly tortured while he watched. The second was Killer forcing Cross to be his husband in a double marriage. Then Dream turned to stone, or he murdered Ink. He blubbered and begged to be spared as Dream shot him through the skull. They shook the dreams out of their head. He yawned. They drank caffeinated tea and smoked before arriving, unsure how much it helped.

Cross sheathed his daggers. "I know. But it's not a long walk through the castle. Dude, come on."

Cross and Epic walked over to Error, who was going to send them to Nightmare's castle. Dream and Blue walked over to Core. They found the location of the chapel and examined it. They formed an entry plan.

Cross and Dream stared into each other's eye lights. They exchanged a hug. Dream took in Cross's warmth and whispered. "Could we go to a movie or something when this is over? Just . . . something fun. Obviously. we'll have more work to do once we defeat Nightmare, but a simple break would be nice.

"Sounds great." Cross squeezed him a bit tighter before he let go. "Be careful out there, flower."

"You too." Dream let go. Error snapped his fingers and formed a portal. Cross and Epic jumped through the portal. The only sight Dream saw was darkness and a stone wall.

Blue and Dream walked over to Core. The Guardian of Positivity carried a bow and a quiver full of arrows. These were only traditional ones, he couldn't risk summoning his bow. But any help was good.

Core's arms stayed behind their back and their hair tassels swayed in the wind. They didn't make footprints in the snow. "Be careful out there, both of you."

Dream nodded and grabbed his bow. "We will. And when we return, we'll have Ink home and safe again. We can finally put all of this behind us and move on. I'm looking forward to that."

They turned to the Blue and Dream nocked an arrow. Error tapped his fingers against his legs and rolled his eye lights. Core clapped their hands once and a large portal appeared in front of them.

Blue leaped through, but Dream lingered. Error's strings grabbed his arm. The destroyer gave them a smug look. "Kick his ass for me. Kick Ink's too for getting us all in this mess."

Dream sighed at the request. But he wasn't all disappointed. Hearing Error's support for the mission gave him more hope he would succeed. "I can't promise Ink, but I will Nightmare's."

"Fine, fair." Error raised his hand and the strings tossed Dream through the portal. They landed with a light thump. The other three prepared their weapons, looking at the chapel. The outside was gorgeous. Stained glass windows spotted the smooth white walls. Lush green bushes grew outside, a stark contrast from Mafiatale's dull brown monotony.

Blue looked at the cars, then the guards at the door. He gestured for Dream to follow him. They crept into a bush and peeked out. They shuffled through the bushes and fencing, pausing whenever a monster moved.

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