Captive to Queen: Ribbon

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For the fifth time that day, Ribbon adjusted his new ruby necklace.

Nightmare didn't want him to take it off, he never told him why. All he said was it had to do with his mortality problem. Since talking about the guardianship issue made him so upset, Ribbon kept his mouth shut. He didn't question anything he said, although he always did that. Nightmare was always stressed, especially after Error escaped. Ribbon offered help in any way he could. He made him tea, offered cuddles, did extra chores, and always let Nightmare hold him on his lap. Ribbon couldn't be happy unless Nightmare was happy first! The head pats were nice too, Ribbon made sure to purr at those, Nightmare liked that, he always wanted him at his side. And all this pressure a week before they got married too!

That's why Ribbon was here, singing for him in private in his office.

His dress spun around as he twirled. Nightmare leaned back in his leather chair and watched him. Ribbon didn't know the words to this song very well, it was in French, but Nightmare said it was one of his favorites. It was from somewhere in the seventeenth- no, the eighteenth century? Ribbon forgot. Nightmare went a long ramble about it when he taught Ribbon the song.

Ribbon kept his eyes on Nightmare's tense face. Yeah, Ribbon was upset about Error running away too. He tried to be good to him! He tried so hard to be his friend and Error always said no! But Nightmare took it way harder. But luckily, Ribbon watched as his face softened. It was working! His soft little soprano voice was helping!

"Thank you, my little bear. That was lovely." Nightmare said with a slow clap when he finished. Ribbon curtsied, blushing at the pet name. At this point, Nightmare used pet names to describe him more than his real name, even to other people. Nightmare booped his nasal bone with his tendril.

"I just didn't want you to be stressed out."

"I'm not. Everything is under control. However, I do need your help to pack the last of the decorations." Nightmare stood up from his desk chair and gestured for his doll to follow. Ribbon studied his stance and vibe. Tendrils relaxed, aura calm. Good, he was genuinely happy. The doll skipped after him, smiling knowing his job was done.


The big day has finally arrived.

Ribbon scrunched his face as he did his best to fill his back with paint. He used a mirror to help him see what he was doing. Strange, Nightmare always remembered to help him with this. It could be because there was so much other stuff to do today. Still. Ribbon struggled to fill each compartment on his spine, arms shaking. Yellow paint and pink paint had to be the strongest, . That's why he could. He couldn't even feel emotions without him!

But he figured it out after about five minutes of trying and failing. His spinal compartments dripped with all shades of the rainbow. Nightmare wouldn't notice with his back screwed back up. Ribbon left his room and walked through the dark hallways. He met up with the other four members at the front entrance. Horror and Dust whispered to each other. Killer stared out the window, holding a wreath under his left arm.

The entire Villian Sans Squad teleported to the venue. Each member carried a different tote of supplies. Ribbon carried the lightest one. The building was the size of Nightmare's ballroom and had two floors. The first floor was the actual place they were going to marry. Twenty-six long benches lined a massive space with a triangular roof. Three stained glass windows with pictures of the monster-human war lined the back. But that wasn't important right now. They had to decorate the second floor, which was where the celebration was going to be.

First, Ribbon went to help Horror with the food. The kitchen area was a room behind the bar. It was small and periwinkle. Horror dropped a cooler and a tote of supplies by the entrance. Ribbon looked up. Why was this place so cold?

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