Should've Could've Would've: Dream

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Moonlight washed over Dream, Cross, and Blue as they talked, laughed, and walked through the Omega Timeline. Epic and Fresh left one way and Dream, Cross, and Blue went the other. The void lacked a natural sky, so the moon and darkness existed because of magic. Weather also existed only by region, not as a whole. Currently, it was a cold breeze, whistling and whispering past them. The skeletons decided on one of the town paths lined with road on one side and buildings on the other.

"Oh! A chickadee!" Dream held his arm out for the black and white bird to perch on. The little animal bounced across his yellow sleeve, pecking between the stitches. Dream smiled. The bird's talons and beak were too small to hurt. Rather, it tickled. Their body was warm from hot chocolate and their heart was warm with pride and love. Dream's eye lights drew to the badge on Cross's jacket, a shield with the letter O reflecting light. It was the entire reason he invited them tonight.

Cross watched them and shook his head. "I still don't understand your bird-whispering powers. You can handle a hawk on your head and owls are where you cross the line."

Dream mock glared at his boyfriend. Though to be fair, he didn't understand his gift either. It's been there ever since he was a child and he discovered it by pure accident. It was only birds too. "Have you ever seen their eyes? All they do is stare at you, for hours! And they turn their heads all the way around. Tell me that's natural! It isn't!"

"No, owls are tame. Geese are the evil ones." Blue chimed in. "They're bigger, they're more aggressive, and their beaks and wings hurt! If you put them in a fight, the geese would win immediately."

"Hm, I don't know." Dream pet the chickadee. "They're not so aggressive when you're nice to them. I've never fought one, or pet one, but they're nice. And owls are smart, so they could outsmart the goose . . ."

"So it's brain vs brawl . . . the goose would still win. Cross, help me out, who would win?"

Cross seemed to be trying to distance himself from the conversation until now. He sighed. "I- fine. Dude, if you want to know so bad, here." Cross took a piece of gold out of his pocket, leftover change from the hot chocolate. He flipped it in the air and slapped it on his arm. He lifted his hand. "Owl wins, argument over."

They turned a corner and the Star Sanses base came into view. They may have called it their base, but it appeared more like a clubhouse with rainbow paint on the walls. None of the lights of the two-story building were on. Something was haunting yet beautiful about the way the moon lit up the left side of it. The chickadee ended her song and flew away from him. A tingle went through Dream's body, though he wasn't sure why. It was only some light. Perhaps he was still suspicious of Ink leaving them on short notice. He seemed to be in a rush, but Dream didn't believe the lie he wasn't feeling well. It wouldn't be the first time Ink left like that, so he was sure he had nothing to worry about.

It was almost like Blue read his mind. "Shouldn't Ink be here by now?"

Cross squeezed Dream's hand and hummed, looking up at the building. "He said he was going to be. But knowing him, he probably took a detour to terrorize some AU. Or he fell asleep and shut the light off. I wouldn't worry about him."

"I guess you're right." Dream stepped up on the light gray steps and knocked on the door. No response. He rang the doorbell. No response. He tugged at the doorknob. Locked. At least it answered one of his questions. Ink almost always forgets to lock the door, so he wasn't home.

Cross watched Dream pull a key out of his pocket and unlock the door. He looked back at the house. "Do you want me to stay a while, flower? I don't have anything else going on and I have a bad feeling about this."

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