Heart Made of Lead: Nightmare

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(Content warnings: Major character death, torture, body horror, suicide references)

Nightmare didn't waste any time as Dream's eye lights glazed over and glowed. Cross grabbed the bars and tried to curse him without his voice. He shook his head for an effect that never came.

"Aw, something you want to say, Cross?" Nightmare leaned over in front of Cross's cage. The latter attempted to punch him, but Nightmare swiftly dodged. He kept the same smooth smile the entire time, laughing at his failed attempt. "Dream is fine. Nothing will harm him physically. Now that he's out of the way, I can move on to the main event." Nightmare shape shifted one of his fingers into a key and walked over to Error's cage.

The destroyer did not hold up well from torture. His turtleneck ripped, revealing the brand Nightmare gave him. His eye lights were bloodshot and despite his fear, his fighting spirit still thrived. He glared at Nightmare but before he could yell a curse or another slur, Nightmare waved his finger. He shot malice around his mouth and made a makeshift gag. Blue stopped looking at Dream to look at Error instead.

"Nightmare, what are you doing to Error? Get away from him!" His aura spiked with panic. Blue tried to snap his Anti-magic cuffs off to help Error. Nightmare saw a chance for an easy attack and almost slammed Blue against the wall. But then Ribbon set his hand on his cage in an attempt to calm him down. He whispered comforting words to him and gave his best puppy dog eyes.

"Shh, shh, don't be mad. It'll all be okay! Nightmare's going to make things better! He promised he wouldn't hurt you!" Ribbon reached out to take his hand. Nightmare helped him calm Blue down.

"That's what I thought. Nightmare picked a chain from the wall. He crouched down in front of Error. One raise of his tendrils made the destroyer cower back, terrified of more pain. Nightmare shook his head as he hooked the chain up to his handcuffs. How the mighty has fallen. He forced Error to stand up and yanked the chain. Error stumbled out of the cage after him.

"Ribbon, stand up. I need you to go upstairs, find Dust, and bring me the syringe on my desk. So you understand, my sweet little doll? Nightmare held a tight grip on Error as he tried to escape, screaming through his gag. He attempted to kick Nightmare, but he pulled the chain, making him trip instead. Then he wrapped his tendrils around him to keep him still.

Ribbon didn't question it. He squeezed Blue's hand to comfort him before standing up. "Yes, darling. Um, where would he be?"

Nightmare tilted his head to sense his aura. "He's in the training room with Horror and Killer." With that information, Ribbon dashed off.

The mention of the syringe caught Epic's attention. He pondered while Nightmare and Ribbon talked. "Wait, bruh. You said before that you had his fate planned out or something like that. So guessing from your other attacks, I'm guessing you're either going to corrupt him or mind control him. Then you'll make him kill us, right?"

"Mmm . . . close enough." Nightmare shrugged. Epic's chin had a new scar. It looked nice with his eye socket scar.

Error's eyes widened in alarm. He tapped a finger against the bars to get his attention. "Aw, calm down, Error. It's going to be okay. Don't try and attack me, I thought we talked about this. Come along."

Nightmare ignored the chatter and confusion of the others as he dragged Error away. The guardian himself kicked and fought to get out of his grasp. Due to his power being greater, he managed to glitch through his cuffs. It wasn't strong enough to glitch away. Nightmare brought Error down the halls and into the room they used to punish Cross. Ribbon should've been here by now, hm.

Nightmare took his chains off and fastened him to the wall. He spread out Error's arms and legs with chains. His head hung down. The chains prevented his magic, though more glitches sparked from his fingers. Nightmare ripped the gag off his face and he panted.

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