Backstabbing Crash: Nightmare

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Nightmare read over a set of plans while Ribbon napped on his lap, curled up into a ball. The sun began to set over the horizon, though it was nothing more than a meek light. His throne wasn't the most comfortable place in the castle, but it gave him a sense of power. His tendril ran down Ribbon's skull. He never made him his throne since if he was just going to kill him, what was the point? But despite the plan changing, Nightmare preferred him on his lap. Ribbon was so soft to cuddle with. He looked down at him. This must be what it will be like when he's his wife.

He was halfway through a rescue scene before the doors to the throne room crashed open. Error stormed inside. Killer and Dust used their telekinesis to hold him back, but he threw the two aside. They slammed against the wall and it knocked them out. It wasn't until then that Nightmare looked up. His eye narrowed at the violence toward his team.

Error turned his attention back to the dark king and growled. "WE HAD A DEAL, NIGHTMARE! YOU-"

"Shh," Nightmare pointed down at Ribbon, holding him closer to protect him, "he's sleeping."

Error must not have noticed him until now because his face scrunched. He didn't expect the adorable little doll to be asleep on his lap, lightly clinging to him. Hearing the commotion, Ribbon scrunched his eye sockets and stretched like a cat.

"Nighty? What's going on?" Ribbon yawned and started to sit up, but Nightmare's tendril pushed him back down. He covered Ribbon's eyes with his hands to keep him from worrying about Error.

"Nothing of importance. Continue your nap, my angel. You've earned it." Nightmare kissed his head, using a mix of calming and sleeping magic. Ribbon curled back up and slept. Nightmare snapped his fingers and teleported Ribbon to his bedroom. Nightmare slid off his throne and walked down the steps, heels clacking against the stone.

Error cringed until Nightmare finished descending. The dark king held Killer and Dust in his tendrils, checking up on their injuries. Dust was half-conscious. Killer's skull cracked and had blood dripping down. Both were direct hits on the head. They'd have concussions most likely.

Nightmare snapped his fingers and teleported the two into the infirmary. Either Horror or Ribbon will heal them, most likely the latter when he wakes up. He glared at Error and the cast on his arm. His tendrils whipped around as he talked. "Whatever you came for, we'll discuss it outside the throne room. You have injured not one, but two of my subordinates. That is unacceptable, and don't you dare involve Ribbon and put him in danger."

Error scoffed, but he complied. The two guardians stepped into the hallway. Error's hands clenched as Nightmare shut the door. "Now, what is it you wanted to discu-"

Error wrapped his strings around Nightmare's neck and strangled him. Nightmare's eye light widened as he gasped for breath. He narrowed his eye and a tendril lashed out, wrapping around Error's torso and throwing him aside. He got to his feet.

"Real mature." Nightmare brushed off his neck and crossed his arms. His body began to distort. "You're either going to talk to me like the adult you claim you are, or you will leave. Make your choice."

The destroyer huffed and brushed himself off. He gritted his teeth. "We're going to talk."

"Very well." Nightmare waved his fingers and created a portal. He wrapped Error in his tendril and threw him in. Nightmare walked in more gracefully. He stared down at the destroyer as if he was less than and gestured for him to stand. "Walk with me."

Nightmare started strolling down the path with Error next to him. The two said nothing else for an extended time, only exchanging glares. Nightmare kept his arms crossed, fingers tapping his left arm. The sky was dark with only a hint of sunlight left. Gray stone ruins and fresh grass surrounded the place. Nightmare opened a portal to the closest AU he could think of, so he didn't know where they were. It didn't matter.

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