I Can Fix Him: Ribbon

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(Content warnings: Amputation, non-consensual body modification, torture, non-consensual drug use, forced addiction, mentions of branding, waterboarding (?)
(Error may be my favorite UTMV character, but that does not stop me from lovingly beating the stolen chocolate out of him. On his birthday I just realized, that was not planned. This is a fun chapter.)

Ribbon stretched and yawned, flipping through the wedding dress catalog on his vanity. He drew hearts on the ones he liked with a pink gel pen. He loved the ones with the super long trains and lace sleeves. He knew no matter what, Nightmare was going to pick what he wanted him to wear. But it was fun to see all the pretty options, and Nightmare wanted a little input from Ribbon. It was his wedding too and he wanted him happy.


Ribbon looked up as he heard the strange noise. Ribbon looked up from his vanity. The sound came from the window in the room. He got up and cautiously walked up to it, was it one of Killer's pranks again? He liked cats and it seemed like something he would do. Ribbon opened the pink lace curtains and looked outside. He took a double take. Outside was a white cat with thick fluffy fur and big black eyes hanging from blue strings. Ribbon tilted his head and pressed his hands against the glass. As soon as he did, the cat moved and landed on a nearby ledge. He waved his paw and Ribbon tapped his finger against the window. Ribbon narrowed his eyes and the cat lifted in the air, jumping from ledges and running to the garden.

"Wait, come here! What are you?" Ribbon pulled his neck charm, grabbed his parasol, and ran out of his room. He made his way through the castle and into the gardens. He spotted the cat rolling on the ground in a field of tulips. with the strings still attached. He looked around in case anyone would try to attack him. But he knew couldn't happen because of Nightmare's magic. Still . . . he felt like he was being watched. The sharp end of his parasol glinted in the light.

Before he knew it, something wrapped around his waist, wrists, and legs. His parasol almost fell out of his hand. More blue strings. Wait, like the strings of-

Ribbon couldn't finish that thought as he was flung backward and through a portal. Going faster, the doll screamed until he came to a sudden halt. He hung from his wrists. His breathing raced as he looked down. He was at least fifty feet in the air of a . . . oh stars, not more white! He hasn't been in the Anti-void in forever. How did he remember the name? Ribbon kicked and tried to curl up into a ball, terrified of falling. Would he shatter? His porcelain body was strong, but he didn't know if it could handle fall damage. He looked around at the blue strings, souls, and puppets around him.

"Gotcha. You can thank me later, Ink." Error said. He sat on a blue string swing and lowered Ribbon to his level. His fingers were so tight around it that it looked like they would break. Ribbon couldn't tell if he was angry, happy, or both. Was he angry at him? His grin and glitching eye sockets made Ribbon squirm and cower. Error stared at the cat and threw it through a portal. "Underfell was actually useful for once. I stole Fell's cat, Doomfanger. Now to the point." He threw the cat through the portal and brought Ribbon closer. He looked him directly in the eyes. "Look, I'm not standing by and watching as Nightmare breaks everything out of you and by extension, me. I'm going to end this right now. If you fight against me, I'll hang you. No, scratch that. I'll hang Nightmare first, then you're next. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

"Yes, sir!" Ribbon nodded quickly. He noticed Error's distaste for the word. "I mean, yes Error!" There, that made him happy. Error lowered both of them to the ground and Ribbon took a breath of relief. Error picked up something from behind his bean bag and threw it at Ribbon. Something brown covered his face and he shook it off to see what it was. It was an outfit. A white shirt with a brown shoulder jacket, heavy brown pants, and a brown scarf. They all had very noticeable blue stitches. The outfit looked familiar and Ribbon had to think. Then he remembered it was his old uniform, back before Nightmare fixed him.

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