Restore the Balance: Nightmare

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(Expect a lot of violence, this is one massive battle chapter)

Nightmare stared shocked at the skeleton panting at the door. His shock faded as soon as Blue stepped into view though. Despite having crashed his special day, The dark king was more amused than anything. It impressed him how they broke through the security guards in their poor condition. He also found Blue's new look interesting. He didn't recognize him at first, but his aura was unmistakable.

Blue's look of triumph faded. It was fair given how he embarrassed himself. "Dream? We . . . didn't make it."

"What do you mean 'didn't make it'?" Nightmare recognized the squeaky voice of his twin, as did his bride. He shrieked and clung to him tightly, his aura radiating tantalizing fear. Ribbon whisper-screamed the word no over and over again. Nightmare wrapped his tendrils around Ribbon and kissed his head.

"It's okay, it's okay." He whispered to him. "No one is going to hurt you. I'll fix this. Just be quiet."

Dream took a disgusted double-take at the Ribbon, both his white gown and his attachment. Somehow, his brother's positive aura didn't affect Nightmare. A closer look and he understood why. Dream's eye sockets sagged with dark bags and his movements were slower than the other three. He was weak, very weak. His aura was dark, bitter, and stressed.

Horror appeared behind them, clothes destroyed and stained with blood. His eye bled. The side of his face with his red eye was bashed in, destroying the outside of the socket. Besides the injury, he didn't complain. Nightmare's eye light widened at the injury. It reminded him of a childhood memory. The one where the villager smashed his eye with a hoe before he ate the black apple. Nightmare growled.

Dust stood up and his stoic expression slid ever so slightly. His tone was laced with sarcasm. "There you are. This is goin' to be fun."

"Sorry . . . . I'm late . . . boss." Horror spoke even slower than usual with the heavy breathing. He coughed up dust.

"I see you gotta little," Killer clicked his tongue, "held up." He glared down at the new skeleton, who grinned in response. The circle wound on his skull and blood on his clothes made the incident obvious. Nightmare glared at Blue.

"Horror, you have been excused." Nightmare told them. He gave Ribbon a gentle push off him and turned to the duo of unwelcome skeletons. "You two, have not. What an interesting team of souls we have here. The fallen Star Sanses, a broken glitch," he smiled without pleasure, "and my dear brother. Honestly Dream, I thought you were better than this. Breaking in on your twin's wedding day, for shame. I thought you would be happy for us!"

Dream loaded his bow. "I've had enough of your games, brother. You know exactly why we're here."

"It wouldn't be to take away my queen, would it?" A tendril wrapped around Ribbon's waist to protect him.

"No, a little bird told me to come and wish you the best on this- of course we're here to save Ink!" Dream snapped. "We're going to take him back home, help him heal and be himself again, and end whatever this is. It's horrible."

Ribbon ran and hid behind Killer. The only reason Nightmare didn't pull him back was because he was distracted with his brother. Ribbon peeked out from behind Killer as the latter pat his head. "I don't get it. What do you guys want from me? Why can't you let me be happy? I love Nightmare and I'm going to stay with him! I've made up my mind so you guys can-"

Nightmare raised his hand and Ribbon immediately went silent. A glare escaped Blue. Killer covered Ribbon's pull-string with his hand.

"Ink, what are you talking about?" Blue asked. "'Of course we want you to be happy! You're not thinking clearly right now! Snap out of it!"

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