Last Minute Preparations: Nightmare

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(So do you know that meme about AO3 writers suffering in some way? Well, I may have contracted it as I have been so sick that I spent almost an entire night awake because I couldn't breathe. I was too congested and have spent the last few days with it, feeling really unmotivated and doing things last minute {hence the title, the original was just "Preparations"}. The medicine isn't working. Don't worry, I'm doing better now but I still don't feel great.)

(Also, this isn't exactly relevant but it made my blood boil, I dressed up as Cross for Halloween and a few people told me I looked like and should've been HERMINONE FUCKING GRANGER. ALL BECAUSE I HAVE THE SAME HAIR COLOR AND I'M THE SMART GIRL OF THE GROUP. I worked hard on that cosplay and I have a burning hatred for Harry Potter {both JKR and the series itself} so . . . you can probably see why I got angry.)

Nightmare adjusted his shirt collar in the master bathroom's mirror. He wore a gray dress shirt with bishop sleeves, a black suit jacket on his shoulders, and a black cravat. He usually only dressed up this much for business meetings or the few times he's been to masquerade balls. A date couldn't have been that different.

Yes, he was five hundred and seven years old and had never been on a date. He's never had a reason to. Romance was never a focus in his life, not now and likely not ever. He was more focused on taking over the multiverse and spreading negativity. Killer was relentless with the jokes when he found out. Nightmare was inches away from wrapping him in his tendrils and throwing him out the window.

As he was about to grab his pocket watch, he touched a woven bookmark. It was made of dark black fabric with a white X near the top. The string's knot and two beads kept it from falling, one teal and one purple. A birthday gift from Cross. Along with his childhood crown, Nightmare didn't know why he kept the damn thing. Nostagila most likely, even if he didn't want to admit it.

If there was one person he hated worse than Dream, it was Cross. He betrayed him not once, but twice. The first was treason, and the second was falling for the enemy. In a way, he did them both on the same day, three years ago.


Nightmare took the guard in after he murdered his entire AU. He only found out due to Cross venting to him about it. It was an accident, he didn't mean to kill everyone he loved, people betrayed him over and over. He became stuck in the Anti-void, helpless and afraid of losing himself further. He was a fascinating soul, filled with regret and hatred. Cross needed to find a new purpose and Nightmare fancied a new team member. So he offered him a deal. If Cross joined his team, Nightmare would allow him meaning and help with his trauma.

And he was a good member. Resourceful, charismatic, a hard worker, and close friends with the rest of the team. Nightmare enjoyed having him as a subordinate.

But one day, without clear reason, he couldn't take the killing anymore. He told Nightmare he wanted to quit. He told him he was sorry and grateful for everything he's done, but he wanted to leave. Nightmare said no. A deal was a deal. They argued for an hour before Cross backed down. He didn't say anything for a while after that. Less shine in his eye lights, but otherwise he worked as usual. He did become concerned for his mental health though. Was he too harsh? Cross had a habit of hiding both his physical and mental injuries. Especially if someone asked him if he was okay.

The next time they went on a mission, Cross ran away with nothing but an apology note-a weak one at that.

Nightmare canceled the mission and sent the entire team to find the traitor. He couldn't have gone far. They were reluctant but did as their boss asked. As he searched through the minor AU. He caught a strange conversation in the wind.

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