New Ally New Plan: Dream

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(Content warnings: A lot of talk about torture, body horror, addiction, smoking, sort of emeto)

Dream checked off a day on one of his now several calendars, using the board once used for Ink. Two months since Blue has been in a coma, Fresh died, and Error went missing. He disappeared not long after he, Cross, and Core took Blue to him. It couldn't have been longer than three weeks. He hadn't spoken to Epic or Core since their argument. He spoke to Cross seldom, but it had always been tense. Dream thought it was strange Error went so long without attacking an AU. Outer hasn't seen him, the Anti-Void was empty, and no AUs were destroyed.

It wouldn't make sense for him to abandon Blue. Blue spoke good things about Error and how he treated him after he destroyed his AU. Dream was a hundred and one percent certain his disappearance had ties to Nightmare. The question lay in what, how, and why . . .

Error may not have been someone he was close to, but Dream was still worried. He never left the Anti-void when he. He could have been dead, it would make sense. They feared choosing a new Guardian of Destruction after what happened to Fresh. At least if both positions were down, neither side was stronger than the other. The balance was in check.


Dream opened his window and looked around to make sure no one was watching. He searched through his nightstand drawer and removed a package of cigarettes. He used to be very against smoking, but now it was one of the only things that calmed him. Dream lit the end and took a long puff, blowing it into the air outside. He watched the smoke cloud drift into the sky, melting into the air with an orange hue. A bird flew through the sky and landed in a nest, adding sticks to the woven pile. At least the sunset and the beauty outside never changed when the world went dark.

Dream inhaled again and looked to his left. His nightstand held a photo of the three heroes after a victory. Dream held their bow in the air, Blue held his hammer, and Ink held Broomie. A faint smile appeared on his face as he remembered that day, back when everything was okay.

Blue . . . oh, he hasn't seen him in a week.

Dream blew his cigarette out. Tossing it in the trash, they made an entrance to the Anti-void. He snapped his fingers four times before a portal appeared. They looked down at their soul again. Math wasn't Dream's specialty, but he assumed he only had about twenty-six percent of color left. It no longer glowed as it used all its energy to stay alive. He wanted to fix it, but he couldn't with the multiverse filled with so much negativity- combined with his own.

Error still hasn't returned to the Anti-void. Dream wandered around the white space, studying the blue strings around the place. When he wasn't in his home, he was here. Someone had to watch over him now that Error was gone. There was a tiny chance Blue could hear him. Dream vented his frustrations, reminisced out loud, and read stories to him. The guardian walked over to Blue's hammock, only to realize he was gone.

"Blue? Oh no . . ." Dream pressed his nail into his palm. He couldn't lose another person he cared about, Blue was like a brother to him. Dream looked around in a panic, waking up from the exhaustion taking him over all day.

But luckily, someone shouted at him. "Dream! Hey!"

The voice glitched like Error's, but was much lighter. A pair of strong arms wrapped around Dream's body in a hug. Dream didn't recognize who it was at first glance. But then he looked into his eye lights. He could recognize the look from anywhere in the multiverse. He beamed and hugged him back. "Blue! Oh my stars, you're alive! You're okay! You look . . . different!"

Blue let him go and stepped back. His bones and armor turned black like Error's. Instead of red limbs, his were a blueish-purple gradient. His teeth, eye sockets, and nasal bone turned light blue. He wore a red scarf and boots to replace his blue ones. Three gold stars were tattooed on his right cheekbone and one was tattooed on his left. His eye lights were yellow with purplish pupils.

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