Stitch By Stitch: Nightmare

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(Oh hell yes, this is the fun chapter. Fun for Nightmare anyway. Fun fact: Parts of this was inspired by a dream I had where Nightmare forced Ink into a surgery that gave him artificial titties. No, I'm not joking. This is why you don't read skeleton smut for laughs before you go to bed)

(Content warnings: Noncon/dubcon body modification, inaccurate medical procedures, dehumanization, nonsexual nudity, branding, lots of body horror, creepy bathing, noncon drug use, questionable thoughts from Nightmare)

"-and they only had three days before time ran out," Nightmare read aloud. He shut the book and watched Ribbon sleep as he cuddled his blankets.

Ribbon spent the night in his room more often. Part of it was because he deserved the privilege after being good. The other part was because Nightmare enjoyed sleeping with him. His yawns and snores were so cute. They were a few chapters away from finishing the book. It was part of a series, so they could continue their ritual once it was over. Ribbon even drew fanart of the main characters, which Nightmare had to admit was very well done.

Nightmare hasn't used punishment in over a month; there was no need to. Ribbon's mind was exactly the way he wanted it. Sweet as a lamb, obedient without an ounce of defiance, silent unless spoken to. The rebellious spark in his eye lights has been absent for a long time. Now the next step to making him the perfect p̶r̶i̶n̶c̶e̶s̶s̶ weapon was fixing his body. Sure he was tiny after corset training and dieting, but Nightmare planned to go even further. He hasn't told Ribbon yet.

It would be his birthday present.

He's been at his side that long. It felt both longer and shorter than that. He brushed his knuckles against Ribbon's cheekbone, making him nestle into the sheets. Nightmare kept touching him, smiling slightly. Something about this little doll made him feel . . . positive, happy. No, that was ludicrous. It couldn't have been . . . of course not. Ribbon was still his prisoner.

Nightmare sat up, processing his thoughts. He sighed, giving up as he didn't care, and lay down to cuddle Ribbon. He fell asleep by his side. In the corner of the bedroom was a glittering pink envelope with the word 'Ribbon' in quill ink. It lay unopened until morning.


"Happy birthday, my sweet little doll."

Nightmare dangled the envelope between his fingers and set it in Ribbon's hands. The doll blinked and looked up at Nightmare. He peered at the other members of the MTT with confusion. Did he even remember it was his birthday? Ribbon tapped his heart pull-string in his way of asking to speak.

"You have permission to speak." Nightmare took his charm and pulled it. He couldn't wait to see his reaction. "Open your card and read it aloud."

With delicacy, Ribbon opened the envelope. He took out a card with glittering pink and white balloons on the front. The words Happy Birthday~ were in cursive with silver glitter. Ribbon squinted at the note on the inside. "Nightmare, I-I don't mean to be ungrateful . . . but I can't read your writing."

"Oh, my apologies. Here, I'll do it for you." Nightmare cleared his throat and read from the card. He didn't use his eighteenth-century cursive on purpose, of course.

"Happy birthday, Ribbon. If you remember from your voice surgery, you eavesdropped on me and Dust. We discussed another surgery for you and now, all the pieces are here and you're ready."

"You're going to go through a procedure that will replace your bones with porcelain. You won't be a skeleton anymore, but a lovely doll, a real one. It will be risky, but you will look gorgeous when you're done. You will look prettier and cuter than any monster in the Doodlesphere. You need to trust me. Sincerely yours, Nightmare A. Joku." He put the letter back in the envelope and closed it up. He crossed his arms. "Well, what do you think?"

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