Pastel Redesign: Ribbon

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(Content warnings: Arson, panic attack, referenced torture, referenced major death, misgendering)

It was easy for Ribbon to get ready to go to the Omega Timeline. Put on his pretty pink dress, put on his beret, grab Blossom, and then let Nightmare do the rest. His new soul felt as weird as when he first got his porcelain body. His emotions felt a lot . . . clearer, like they were under a thick blanket until now. No more paints, that was going to take a while to get used to. His spine opening was useless now, but it wouldn't kill him. That's what Nightmare said at least.

Error's screams of pain and pleas to help him still rang in Ribbon's ears. The first night with the soul, he felt guilty. He still felt guilty! Error needed him, but he could've been using him . . . it was a lose-lose.

Speaking of, Ribbon almost put his ruby necklace on, but he stopped. He wore it when Error's soul got transferred to him, tucking the charm under his dress. It didn't fit with the rest of his outfit. It hurt almost as much as the soul transfer itself. So much happened at once that Ribbon didn't want to tell Nightmare. He worried enough and it didn't even leave a mark. He didn't need the necklace anymore and hid it in his drawer, saving it for a much better outfit.

Ribbon left his bedroom and looked for Nightmare to get ready for the mission. Wait, but he said no fighting . . . guess he would find out when he got there. All Nightmare said was that they were going to take over the Omega Timeline.

Killer stretched when he stepped out of his room, holding his knife in his left hand. Something about him seemed happier than usual. But then again, whenever he closed his eyes, he seemed happier. He didn't have the scary black voids in place of his eye sockets. He opened one eye and peeked at Ribbon, who watched out of the doorway. Killer walked over to him. "You ready for this, Ribbon?"

Ribbon nodded, skipping to Killer's side. Dust stepped out of his room not long after. He had been either there or in the medical lab. Ribbon walked in on him once, that was a bad mistake. He focused back on Killer, pulling his string. "Mm hm, I think I'm ready. Nightmare said he doesn't want to fight anymore."

"Probably stand there and look cute. Or establish yourself as queen of the multiverse." Dust stated, adjusting his baseball cap.

Ribbon stepped closer to Killer. Even though he hadn't operated on him in forever, Dust still scared him. Horror must've been down by Nightmare already because he was nowhere to be seen. Dust started walking down the hall and Killer followed him. Ribbon chased after, staying close behind Killer so he wouldn't be left behind.

They made it to the main hall. Horror stood up while Nightmare lounged on his throne. Instead of his normal suit, he wore a nice cape over his shoulders with what looked like leopard fur. His entire outfit gave off medieval king vibes. Horror was dressed the same and smiled up at the three. Ribbon beamed. Killer and Dust walked to Horror and Ribbon skipped to Nightmare. His tendrils pulled him onto his lap. He rubbed his cheek for a moment, laying a hand on his soul. "How is your new soul doing? Does it hurt? Is it starting to feel more natural?"

Ribbon nodded. "Mm hm, it doesn't have that weird heavy feeling anymore. I don't even notice it!"

"Excellent, that means Error's death was worth it." Nghtmare set his crown on his head before passing Ribbon his tiara. He stood up. "Let's waste no time. This will be our most important mission yet. I would say it's also our easiest, but the Omega Timeline has prepared itself in Core Frisk's absence. Their guards prepared for us. I opened a portal in advance to view what we were in for."

Ribbon got nervous and spun Blossom. If Nightmare said they were dangerous, then it must be awful. Nightmare sensed his fear and tightened his tendril around him, reminding him he had everything under control. "But it won't be anything we won't be able to handle, I doubt they're even expecting us right now. I don't want too many deaths. The key to this mission will be to establish our place and take over the Omega Central. We can corrupt the AU on the way. Steal and kill whoever and whatever you want, it no longer matters."

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