No More Denial: Nightmare

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"-so, we break through this portal and take out the Asgore first. Then when we take down New Home, you- boss? Hey, are you listening? You're zoning out for the fourth time this week!" Killer shook Nightmare's arm.

Nightmare snapped back to attention. He groaned and held his skull in his hand, replaying the conversation in his mind. The rest of the Murder Time Trio stared at him with disinterest. "Yes, yes go ahead. Be sure to stay out of sight, the usual."

Horror raised a browbone, his single eye looking at him critically. "You've been . . . zoning a lot."

"I know I have." Nightmare's tendrils swayed behind him as he stared at the battle map lying on the table. He looked at the empty seat by his side. He was used to having Ribbon looked at him with wonder and hold his hand as he talked. "And I apologize. I've had a lot on my mind."

Dust chuckled without humor, following his gaze. "You only have one thing on your mind. It's him, isn't it? It's only been a week and you already can't function without him."

Nightmare scowled, straightening himself out. "I can function fine and I do not miss Ribbon. That's ludicrous. I'm only worried about the plan going south. He's so dumb he'll believe anything they tell him. it's why he needs me."

"Sure. The plan, keep telling yourself that." Killer snickered to himself. Nightmare rolled his eye light. Their laughing irritated him.

"Well, if you three are ready to go, there." Nightmare opened a portal to the minor AU they planned to attack. "I have work to do here. Dust has the vial, Horror has our banner. Contact me once you've finished."

Horror and Dust went through the portal, but Killer lingered for a moment. He hummed a mocking tune of a romantic song and summoned a knife. He dashed through the portal just as Nightmare closed it. He sighed. They didn't understand him. Nightmare stood up.

He stood in the middle of the castle hallway, unsure of where to go. He wasn't in the mindset to read, nor did paperwork and planning sound interesting.

He ended up opening the door to Ribbon's room. His room smelled of vanilla and sugar cookies. It hasn't been opened since the day he left. Nightmare walked inside. He touched the bunny plush Ribbon found on the mission. He brought it back when he gave it away. He thought he would like it. It could be a nice surprise when he returns home.

Nightmare stepped on a piece of fabric and it slid from the bed. He picked it up with his tendril out of curiosity. It was a suit jacket, but unlike the ones he had, this was a dark blue with embroidery. The sleeve cuffs were stitched with yellow and white stars. The sleeves had patches of glittering blue fabric, framed like the galaxy. Two star charms dangled from under the high collar. A limp needle hung loose with lavender thread to make what he believed was the Milky Way. It reminded Nightmare of an old myth about a weaver who could create tapestries so realistic, they seemed to move. The patterns seemed to move like the constellations they were based on.

He could only imagine how many hours this must have taken to sew. Especially since Ribbon did it by hand. He had talent, though that wasn't surprising given he was the Guardian of Creativity. Partially, with Fresh holding most of the power. Nightmare planned to buy him a sewing machine.

The inner flap had the words Love you, Nighty! stitched in shimmery pink thread. Nightmare's soul tugged and he put a hand over his chest. It almost hurt. The gesture was sweet like a high-quality mead. That, along with Ribbon jumping in front of an attack to keep him safe. It made him realize something. He . . . missed Ribbon. Deeply. He missed having him at his side. It wasn't the same without him.

Nightmare scowled to snap himself out of it. He shoved the unfinished suit back under the bed. Ribbon was a doll, a doll for him to play with and nothing more. He was a replaceable object. If something happened to him, he could simply kidnap someone else and break them. He had more important things to worry about than if his toy was being cared for.

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