The Puppeteer's Warning: Nightmare

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Nightmare never cared for the Anti-void.

The hidden barrier between worlds was nothing but an endless abyss of white. It was almost impossible to find it unless you knew it existed. Even if you did find it, there was a slim chance you could ever escape. Time didn't exist, nor did hunger or sleepiness. Not even the wind was audible, if there was any at all. There were no emotions to feed from, positive or negative, so it served no use to Nightmare. Rumor has it that if you overstay your welcome, you could lose your mind, memories, and sanity before glitching into a husk of your former self. Nightmare only knew one victim of the void's game.

He could've been walking for minutes or hours before spotting the first change in scenery. A blue bean bag covered in patches of fabric, an excessive pile of chocolate bars, and blue strings. They dangled from the sky with no clear source, seeming like they stretched forever. Some suspended alone while others held bound souls and homemade Sans dolls. He could have sworn he heard a faint screaming from the multicolored hearts.

One of the dolls swayed and hit the side of his face. Nightmare scowled and moved it aside, though he couldn't help but look at it. The stuffed skeleton looked like a palm-sized version of Blue. Gray shirt, silver shoulder pads, and a blue scarf and boots. Its mouth was stitched into a wide smile, uncanny against the black button eyes. Besides that, it was a perfect replica of Blue. Nightmare slipped his fingers between its torso and played with its soft arms. He almost laughed. It was so cute, so helpless, so easy to control . . .

"And what do you think you're doing?" A voice echoed as the Blue doll zipped into the air.

Nightmare looked up at the monster who was now holding and examining the plush. Nothing about Error matched in the way it should. His skull and hands were black though his limbs and fingers were red. Both his black shorts and jacket had one sleeve too short. The blue stripes below his eye sockets were the source of the Anti-void's decorations. One of his eye lights was yellow, white, and blue while the other was pure white, all against red eye sockets. The destroyer stared down at him from a handmade swing.

"Playing," Nightmare said. "Oh, come on, don't look at me like that. Can't I come in for a visit?" His fingertips touched his sternum with a scoff. "I thought we were friends. I'm hurt."

Error's glitched cackle changed pitch and octave. "Friends? Ha! Don't play dumb with me, octopus. I can think of many words to describe your sorry ass, but dumb isn't one of them. Tell me what you want so you can get out of my face."

Nightmare rolled his eye light. "Fine. I need you to provide some information." He pulled the journal out of his jacket pocket, shaking off the drops of. malice stuck to it. "I have a plan to help take down Ink, to use him to destroy Dream's soul. We would both benefit from this. I would be invincible and nothing would stand in the way of your multiversal destruction."

Now he had his attention. Error lowered his swing so they were at eye level. His skull cocked to the side. "Go on."

"I believe his paints are the key to winning this war." Nightmare flipped the pages until he reached his vial notes. Error looked over at the other pages with curiosity. Nightmare smirked. "As I said, my plan was to use his hatred and anger against Dream. Keep him from protecting the AUs that give Dream power. I have watched Ink's usage and gathered the negative and positive effects of every vial. Being that they are artificial, I wasn't certain if they were even possible to manipulate. Not long ago, I put my research to the test and found I could manipulate his 'emotions' with enough effort."

"However, his defiance is more potent than I expected. It'd be near impossible to get him to obey by persuasion, so I have a backup plan. The one vial I haven't seen him use is the pink one. But, through the power of deductive reasoning, I assume that vial is love. So the idea is: I will force Ink to drink the pink vial, make him obsess over me, turn him into a weapon, and make him kill Dream. Dream couldn't fight back. If he values the lives of random civilians over himself, well, he will never be able to harm his own friends. Once he's dead, I'll dispose of Ink and take over the Doodlesphere. Now, I need you to give me as much information about the pink vial as possible. I don't want to draw this plan out any longer."

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