The Final Star Sans Standing: Dream

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(Content warnings: Major character death, torture, body horror, whipping, amalgamation, Dream starting to lose it)

When Blue's body was found, Dream felt his soul stop.

Cross carried him in his jacket so he didn't touch the stone. Blue's well-built arms and legs turned into stone. His face was scrunched as if his last moments were in pain. No, not last. It couldn't have been the last, he was still breathing. He had been waiting on the couch the entire time. He should have listened to his heart and went to help the second he felt the negativity.

"Oh my stars . . ." Dream stared at him. He set his hands on Blue's cheekbones, then on his neck, searching for a pulse. There was one but at a slow, weak beat. Dream rubbed his hands together to summon golden magic. He pushed his hand against his chest, pulling out his soul with his other. He touched the gray edges with his glowing fingertips to heal them.

Dream's hands shook as they attempted to focus. Memories flashed through his mind. He was eleven years old again. His beloved twin brother ate the black apple and was losing control. People ran and screamed. The sky turned dark and cloudy, threatening rain. Most of his village friends were stabbed and/or killed, their corpses dusted or bled. Dream didn't know what to do. Nightmare pinned Dream down with his foot and cursed him, both with words and magic.

Nightmare! Brother, stop! That's not safe! I know this isn't you!

Isn't me? Of course it is me.

"Dream! Calm down! You're burning Blue!" Cross grabbed the sides of his face, snapping him into reality. Dream took a deep breath and looked down at his friend. His emotions caused his magic to flare more than needed. The stone around Blue's soul darkened with a gold tint. Dream flustered from shame. The gold faded from his palms.

At some point during his panic, Core teleported to them. They had a grim look plastered on their face, making Dream wonder if they knew this would happen. They looked down at Blue. His fingers trembled. Stars, he almost made it worse . . .

"Cross, what happened in there? What did Nightmare do? Is Ink gone?" Dream looked at his boyfriend and moved away from Blue, afraid of causing more damage. Core came over to their side and held Dream's hand. The guardian couldn't tell if it was to keep his emotions in control, to comfort him, or both. Dream took deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself. He couldn't enter another breakdown, though he already did. He had to stay strong. Strong for Blue, strong for Cross, strong for Core.

Cross sighed. "I went to Ink's room, but the door was locked. One of the nurses told me that Blue was already in there. I didn't see what happened, but I heard Nightmare's voice. He faked Blue's voice and when I came in, he kidnapped Ink and turned Blue halfway into stone. Then he left. I tried to heal him, but my healing magic didn't work.

Dream sighed in bitter acceptance and stood up. "I'm going to do as much research as I can. Blue deserves it. Is there anywhere I should start searching? Has this ever happened before?"

Core shook their head. "From my knowledge. I mean, thousands of humans and monsters have been turned into stone. But Nightmare's curse has only happened one time." They pointed at Dream. "But try your best."

"I will." Dream looked down at their friend. He wanted to say he would fix this and everything would be fine. But he said that over and over, yet the world kept worsening, and he wasn't sure anymore.


Core requested the nurses and guards to sign an NDA, keeping information about Ink and Blue quiet. They still worried about causing public fear with two Star Sanses gone. Most didn't even know about the Code Purples.

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