The Battle for Birdtale: Nightmare

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(Content warnings: Gore, genocide, body horror, decapitation, dehumanization, murder, child murder/mutilation, minor character death, cannibalism, organs used in ways organs should not be used. Somehow, this has a fluffy ending. I don't know either. I'm super excited for this chapter.)

"Today's a big day for you, my little doll." Nightmare said as he stroked Ribbon's skull.

The doll kneeled before his throne with a smile on his face. It was a refreshing change from his constant moping. Nightmare decided to get him a teal pillow so he didn't hurt his knees and legs. He had been shockingly compliant and affectionate since his surgeries—following every order, doing extra chores, giving him kisses every morning, and telling him how much he loved him. He even smiled and thanked him during all punishments. When Nightmare punished him with the white room, Ribbon didn't fight back at all. Nightmare was almost concerned because he didn't hear anything, and it. The day ended and he let Ribbon go. But instead of the shaking, begging, and crying he grew to expect, he was only met with shaking. Shaking and giggling this time. Ribbon snuggled up to him and thanked him over and over. Nightmare pushed him off, then he spent the rest of the day in his office. He wanted nothing to do with him and even he was disturbed with his behavior.

Nightmare assumed it was manipulation. Or Dust worked too close to his nonexistent brain. Ink was a prankster at heart, and if any of his old personality remained in Ribbon, he was pulling a trick. He proved less than a month ago it was a trick. Ribbon was too perfect too quick. So that's why he came up with a plan for him to test if his loyalty was true.

"We're going to put your skills to the test. I have the perfect AU for you to prove your worth. It's an easy one; these monsters put up little fight. All you need to do is spread negativity and harm people. And I can see how lonely you are, you're a very social person, so it would be healthy for you to see other people again."

"Okay!" Ribbon said in a chipper tone, pulling the charm on his neck. Nightmare adored the amount of worship in his eye lights, fake or not. However, something was off this time.

"Is there something else you want to say?" Nightmare asked.

Ribbon paused, lowering his head. "Um, yes. I love you more than anything, but you're right, I'm lonely. Is it okay if I make some new friends?"

Nightmare considered it. He didn't want anyone weaving themselves into his doll's head. When he said it'd be healthy, he meant to further prove they are enemies. They could give him silly ideas or make him question their relationship. Or worse, encourage him to escape and disobey him. The dark king knew what he was doing was wrong, but the truth is . . .

He didn't care.

"No, no. You've never had a good choice in who you hang out with." Ribbon's smile slid. Nightmare pat his head. "Listen, you don't need friends. You're too close to perfection, having others to talk to will only bring you down. Your mind isn't trained enough to know the difference between good and bad influences. It's my job as your boyfriend to keep you safe. Do you understand?"

Ribbon stared straight ahead for a few moments, then nodded. "Thank you, you're-you're right. I'm sorry."

"Of course. Run along now." Nightmare leaned back on his throne as Ribbon stood and left. He had mixed feelings about his personality change. On one hand, it was refreshing to have such a troublesome soul finally be obedient and quiet. And to be happy about it. On the other, it disturbed him.

The Lord of Negativity didn't have the time or interest to think over the moralities of a situation like this. He had an AU to destroy and corrupt. Sighing, Nightmare stood up from his throne and went to make last-minute preparations.

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