Maria the hedgehog reborn

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In Sonic's world Dr. Eggman was creating a beautiful and powerful female hedgehog to destroy his archenemy Sonic the hedgehog.

"I created a very powerful hedgehog and now she's will destroy Sonic,"said Dr. Eggman. "How powerful Doctor?,"asked Decoe. "Yeah how powerful is she?,"asked Bocoe. "This hedgehog is extremely powerful and more faster than anyone even Sonic,"said Dr. Eggman.

*The blonde hedgehog open her eyes and wake up*

"Who are you?,"She asked. "I'm Dr. Eggman your creator and father. I'll call you Maria the hedgehog,"said Dr. Eggman. "Maria huh? That's a beautiful name,"said Maria. "Hello I'm Decoe,"said Decoe. "And I'm Bocoe,"said Bocoe. "Hello,"Maria smiled.

*Dr. Eggman walk towards her*

"You must find all seven Chaos Emeralds and bring them here to me,"said Dr. Eggman. "The seven Chaos Emeralds?,"asked Maria.

*He shows her the picture of the seven Chaos Emeralds on the screen*

"These are the chaos emeralds and you must bring then here for me so we can rule together *evil laughter*,"said Dr. Eggman. "Sorry but I will never give you the chaos emeralds for your evil plans,"said Maria. "You will obey me! I'm your father and creator!,"yelled Dr. Eggman. "You may have created me, but you are never my father!,"yelled Maria.

*Maria punch him in the face and ran off fast*

"No! Maria come back!,"yelled Dr. Eggman.

Maria ran as fast as she can, but she was very fast and accidentally bump into a blue hedgehog.

"Oh I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?,"asked Maria. "I'm alright. Nice run you are pretty fast,"said Sonic. "Thanks but I'm extremely too fast,"said Maria smiled. "My name is Sonic. What's your name?,"asked Sonic.

"I'm Maria the hedgehog,"said Maria. "Nice to meet you Maria. You know you're really fast do you want to join me and my friends to stop Dr. Eggman?,"asked Sonic. "I would love to, but he's my father and creator,"said Maria sadly. "He's the one who created you?!,"asked Sonic. Yeah and if you don't want me in your team I'll leave,"said Maria.

*Maria was about to leave, but Sonic stops her*

"I don't care if Dr. Eggman created you. I think you're the coolest person and I really want you to join us Maria,"said Sonic. "I would be happy to join you Sonic. I should warned you I'm extremely powerful,"said Maria. "We can use a powerful person like you Maria,"said Sonic.

 "We can use a powerful person like you Maria,"said Sonic

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*Sonic and Maria ran off and goes to their friends*

"Hey everyone I want you to meet our new member Maria,"said Sonic. "Hello everyone,"said Maria. "Hi Maria I'm Cream and this is my friend Cheese,"said Cream. "Chao Chao,"said Chesse. "I'm Miles Prower, but you can call me Tails,"said Tails. "And I'm Amy Rose Sonic's girlfriend,"said Amy.

*Sonic groans and Maria giggles*

"Hey Maria do you like to fix things?,"asked Tails. "I love to fix things,"said Maria. "Wanna help me with the Tornado?,"Tails asked. "Sure that sounds like fun,"said Maria smiled.

*Maria and Tails walk to the Tornado and begin to fix it*

"Maria is really sweet and kind like me and Amy,"said Cream. "Yeah and we will get along and be best friends forever,"said Amy. "Maria is also just like me with her speed. I don't see her as my rival. I see her as my new speedier best friend and Tails see her as his best friend too,"said Sonic.

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